my almost second grow 442+156=598 all cfl grow

hi to anyone who wants to read or post on my journal. welcome :hug:to my second beginning for a indoor all cfl grow. as i am new to indoor growing i am looking for some input and pointers on anything i my need to improve as a grower . My setup as said is all cfl. my first grow is in my closet in its third week of flower. other than some light burn on the tips of the leaves all looks well(picts. later). i have (2)55 watt 2700k and (9)26 watt 2700k also (3)26 watt 6700k. ALL lights are fully positionable and under my control on there placement. My fans are blowing on plant tops and homemade refraction hood and walls are covered in aluminum plating and that has clear mylar sheets over that. temp. in the room is 72-76 at night and 78-81 in day. My new project is my veg. cab i am building. its 156 watts powered by (4)26 watt 6700k and (1)26 watt 2700k. the entire box is built from the same aluminum sheets and also has a sun roof ,:hump: bonus, a fan and sun roof cover. i have regs. in flower . and i have (2) mids.,(2)regs.,(1) mango all just sprouted. i am using soil, its m.g. i know i know lol, also for flower i have some 15-30-15 ferts i also use water from my 65 gal. fish tank as a mixture every other to every 3 waterings with a p.h. of 6.8 and clean tap water the rest of the time p.h. 6.5-6.7 all room temp. IMG_20120501_064313.jpgIMG_20120501_064452.jpgIMG_20120501_064407.jpgIMG_20120501_064356.jpg one week ago. lights have improved since i only had (9)26watters in pict.
ok so i just got off work and looked in on my girls and saw i have some new additions to my family. yes there are more seedlings now there are 7( 1 mango, 5 regs., and 2 mids. also i left some important info out of my first post like my rh is 30-50% in my flower closet which is 5ft long by 18 inches deep and 6ft high. i can also move one side and the entire top to make it the size i need for each grow. my veg. box is 3ft long 2ft deep and 2ft high temp is 73-78 in night time and 79-85 in day time ( working on lowering that) and the rh is unknown so far. on my flowering girls what i have done (topped and lst one, just lst two, and natural growth on one till flower when she hit the light and burnt her top :twisted:,so i topped it off maybe a week into flower). all my girls got there first hairs on ,get this, 4/20. i am running three of the new seedlings on 12/12 and the rest on 20/4 dont know why just wanted to see if i like 12/12 from seed. well there it is, if i missed anything let me know.
.................................i almost forgot some pictures for you that i promised....................................................................004.jpg005.jpg006.jpg007.jpg008.jpg009.jpg010.jpg011.jpg013.jpg015.jpg016.jpg017.jpg018.jpg012.jpg019.jpg021.jpg022.jpg023.jpg024.jpg025.jpg004.jpg005.jpg006.jpg007.jpg008.jpg009.jpg010.jpg011.jpg


sorry the site put double and triple of some but you get the idea. if i get the mango to grow as healthy as i hope to then should i (1) lst the hell out of her (praing under its own scog or (2) top her (i hope) and top again and let veg for longer???????? i dont know yet maybe i will let you pick those who sub up to this... if any do that is. well im done that skunk and headband (my own mix wish i had the seeds too lol)got me ripped so good night and ill be back with updates soon as there are some
ok so last night i watered my girls and they looked great. other that some new leaf problems im seeing. my first thought is root lock, seeing that there only in one gallon pots. i have new bigger pots but seeing that there 4 weeks in to flower i dont want to screw this up so far in. it could be a nute problem like n and p but looks like cal. and light burn too. so i moved the lights up some and watered with fish water. my fish water is 5 gallons of tank water all sucked from the bottom of the 65 gallon tank (all the poop and dead matter, i have piranhas and red devil) and 10 gallons of tap water also i have some 15/30/15 flower food in but used it at 2/4/2. should i add more? when i woke-up more leaves more bottom leaves are yellowing some others are getting a little dry feeling and tips of leaves are turning yellow and brown. all of the sprouts are looking good ill get some picks tonight of everything. the tall one i felt so bad for i found a cooler that fits the pot in off the bottom by 1.5 inches. i broke most of the bottom of the pot out made a soil catch and filled the bottom of the cooler with the fish water and and pud an extra bubbler in the bottom placed plant in and only watered the top a little bit . the water level is just kissing the bottom of the pot some roots hanging in water. so we will see.
hi all. alright today i woke up and to my surprise my fan fell over and broke off a lower branch off one of my girls. i dont know when it happened so i took it the rest of the way off. i am going to attempt to clone it. why not right all the leaves are still healthy looking and the flowers still had all there pistils. i took off the flowers and lower branches, then i cut the pits off the fans that were left , then cut on a 45(/) i also removed some of the bark at the end and put powder rooting hormone on. i put it into 100% perlite in a cup with drain holes and put that in another cup of water, i then sprayed the leaves with water and put it in the window sill till i can build a cloner. other than that mishap all is going well. i got a tube floro grow light for my seedlings and they seem to be happy getting sun in the day hrs. and then sleep then wake then up with the tube light (6-8 hrs. daylight 12-14 hrs floro tube 4 hrs sleep) for the night and some of the morning. most of the babies are getting their third set of nodes and i will let them grow a little more before topping or fim them .the leaf discoloration on the older girls has slowed/stopped since moving the lights up, but they still look like they need something. idk? i could use some help but guess im on my own for this one as nobody has been on here to help , which i think is kind of weird but O-well. so thats what i woke up to today and i guess it gave me a now project for today. shoot almost forgot to tell you about the girl i gave the bubbler set-up, she looks good today and i can see some roots going for the water already i hope it works like i think it will. well by fo now if i get a cloner up and running i will be back to put that up and some picts. too(waiting on it to charge now)