My aurora indica is sketching me out

My aurora indica got these that are all curled up around the top of the plant for about the last 2 weeks. The lower leaves in the plant are looking fine but these tops ones are super sketch. My other aurora indica plant looks nothing like this and is the same age and most likely from the same mother since I got them at the same time from the same person. Any suggestions on what to do? It is under a 150w HPS and about 10" away from the light.


RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
That clawing could be caused by a few things, the 1 thing that springs to mind is too much N... (What nutes are you using ?)

I'v grown AI and never had the leaves claw on me - but it could be genetics of a different pheno.. My AI had 11 finger leaves, looks like yours only have 3's and 5's... ?
I am using MiracleGrow bloom booster in a bubbleponic system and the plant is only about 10" tall. It's been flowering for about 2 weeks too.

RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
I am using MiracleGrow bloom booster in a bubbleponic system and the plant is only about 10" tall. It's been flowering for about 2 weeks too.
Thats strange, NPK ratio on that is 15-30-15.. I can't see how it can be too much N now.. Hmm.. Are you feeding full strength ? try halving it on the plant with the eagle claws next feed to see if that helps.. and then bump it up to 3/4's on the next then go full strength after that...

Thats strange, NPK ratio on that is 15-30-15.. I can't see how it can be too much N now.. Hmm.. Are you feeding full strength ? try halving it on the plant with the eagle claws next feed to see if that helps.. and then bump it up to 3/4's on the next then go full strength after that...


Yea they haven't been at full strength solution, about 1/2-3/4 strength. But I'll try watering it down a bit more to see if that helps. Tempature doesn' t have anything to do with this does it? Because it's been around 74-78*F in there during the day.


Well-Known Member
I don't know anything about bubbleponics, but don't you need a lot more besides basic NPK fert in there? I dunno.. I'm just a soil guy..

Outside of that, that claw look is the classic sign of feeding a high P food during stretch, when N is actually the nutrient in greatest demand. If you're still in stretch, switch to a food with N as the highest ingredient until your height growth levels off. If you're past that, I don't know what the fix is, or if there is one. Good news is.. once you get that far, you have to try to fail. They should pull through.
Yea that AI did stretch up and I didn't even think of that. But the other AI I have that's about the same age and from same mother etc.. and it's now clawing at a few leaves at the tops of branches, but it's not as significant as the others. Should I try replacing my P nutrients in there with a N formula until the clawing goes away and then switch back to a lower concentration of P and slowly build up to full strength?