My Auto AK soil grow w/ Q's PICS


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

these are my auto AK seedlings that sprouted from the soil 5 days ago,
the soil a 60/40 mix of seed raising mix and perlite (NO NUTES! -lesson learned)

they are being grown in an underground cellar that is staying nice and cool
with temps sticking around 25 C and 60% humidity

they are under 4 x 18W cool daylight fluro battens currently

1. these plants need to be transfered outside within 2.5 weeks, which is
currently 13/11 daylight/darkness, and am wondering when it would be best
to do this?
should i put them outside for a few hours then back under the fluros for a
while, or just put them in some shade for a day or two when i put them out?

2. I will be repotting them into 5L or larger pots in 3-4 days, so wat soil mix
should i use?
I was think a mix of; 25% organic potting mix (bone meal, blood meal etc)
50% soil NO NUTES at all
25% Perlite

3. Nutes?
I really dont want to overnute these babies (bad first attempt :cry:)
so that was why i was gonna use the slow release organic potting soil in the mix
but am open to using ABSOLUTELY no nutes in the soil for the mix

the organic potting mix says Xtra slow release but from wat i have read i
should stay away from anything slow release so i am confused about wat to
do, heres the link for the soil Amgrow Garden King, Australia - Amgrow Organix Potting Mix

p.s last pic of auto AK which sprouted today (2nd lot of 5)

Thanks in advance




Well-Known Member
lights are down low only about 2-3 cm off the plants, dont think theyre stretching cheers

any help on the soil/nutes??

bump. bump bump, bump. bump bump bump, bump it upppp!!!!!


Well-Known Member
they actually do look a little bit stretchy to not use time release nutes! thats a big mistake. FYI-that bone meal and blood meal is VERY powerful stuff, dont think it isnt just because its organic. if i were you i would replant in a 20/80 mix of perlite and fox farm ocean forest.


Well-Known Member
cheers for the replys, will post some new pics soon to update

as for the soil i would love to get my hands on some Fox Farm soil but im in Aus
and theres no way to get it

pretty sure i will just go with potting soil with ZERO nutes in it then feed them with
a liquid fertiliser, very mildly of course

any suggestions on nutes to use for autoflowering plants??

thanks again.