My auto is growing soo slow


New Member
Hello im growin green gelato automatic in dwc system with 120w led. Its 73 days now.. it started flower at week 8 now its over 10weeks old. Plant is like 40cmx40cm and 35cm high.
Roots have been aleays look like brown since beging(see in picture) water temp is 21-24c ph 5.5-6.5 19h light 5h dark..
And sone lower pistils are getting brown already..
Does it look normal to you ?
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Well-Known Member
I have an auto that is slow also. It is Caramelicious auto from she took 45 days to start flowering. I was running her at 20&4. At day 40 I switched to 18&6 that's when I noticed she was in transition to flower. She has gotten huge for an auto that was Feb 25th

Also, what nutes are you using? Your root mass and leaves are pretty dark.


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Well-Known Member
Hello im growin green gelato automatic in dwc system with 120w led. Its 73 days now.. it started flower at week 8 now its over 10weeks old. Plant is like 40cmx40cm and 35cm high.
Roots have been aleays look like brown since beging(see in picture) water temp is 21-24c ph 5.5-6.5 19h light 5h dark..
And sone lower pistils are getting brown already..
Does it look normal to you ?
Way too many pics that take ages to load man. Not all of us are on Starlink yet tho I've paid my deposit. ;)

You got some root rot going on it looks to me. I'd be getting some food grade peroxide and dosing them ASAP to save the plants. I did my first DWC grows 20 years ago so have had some experience in this. Did around 50 tubs worth and dealt with root rot only a couple times and saved both with 35% peroxide. 4ml/L daily for a few days then lower the dosage and skip some days until nice white roots are predominant. 0.5ml/L twice a week prevented rot in most cases. Building a DIY chiller from an old water cooler let me keep temps around 17C so didn't need peroxide after that.

Good luck.



Well-Known Member
Hello im growin green gelato automatic in dwc system with 120w led. Its 73 days now.. it started flower at week 8 now its over 10weeks old. Plant is like 40cmx40cm and 35cm high.
Roots have been aleays look like brown since beging(see in picture) water temp is 21-24c ph 5.5-6.5 19h light 5h dark..
And sone lower pistils are getting brown already..
Does it look normal to you ?
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Very airy


Well-Known Member
The roots look pretty dark. How are you oxygenating them and what do they taste like? Would they go well in a salad, crisp with flavor or are they mushy and have a funky aftertaste?