My Babies Are Drooping...Help!!


Why is Miracle Grow not good to use?
Tastes like crap, doesn't allow the material to burn well once cured, doesn't supply everything MJ needs, not organic...

Getting some airflow, circulation, ventilation would be very beneficial to your plants. Get a small clip on oscillating fan!


Can the leaves droop from underwatering as well as overwatering?
I would think they would have a more "dry" droop to em if underwatering. Sorry I know I'm the last person to be asking, but I was just thinking about the question.
I think I might have an overwatering issue going on with mine I believe. I know I need nutes too but I think it might be a combo with mine. I guess I'll just stop watering so much and get on a good schedule (I get stoned alot so I'm kinda randomly watering), and get me some nutes. But what's the deal with givin them 1/2 of this and 1/4 of that?? I shouldn't follow the directions on the containers when I get them?? Please explain...


Don't start nutes on full strength as it may burn them....that is why people say to start at 1/4 or 1/2 strength to see how they react and build up to full strength.


Active Member
Alright fella,

Firstly they need potting up in proper pots...
You wanna be moving the cfls to within inchs of the girls with a fan blowning across the tops of the plants constantly..
Stay away from mg products as they really don't meet the plants needs..
Get yourself a good line of nutes and keep the strength down to a 1/4 of the amount stated to start then work your way up..
Water your plants when the top couple of inchs become dry or if you pot feels light..


Well-Known Member
im confused i thought you were changing the lighting source i agree with lettitgro circulation and the force of wind will help wth the stem prob but ive used cfls and havent had that much luck with the the strength and health of my plants


Well-Known Member
DEf go easy on the nutes to start- seedlings dont need much early on and you risk burning them...MG is less than ideal as stated, more so in bloom stage and yes it tastes like crap when it burns, When the seedlings are srtaing to push on jiffy pots, get them into at least 4" if not 6"pots


Active Member
I would change that light cycle also, they need rest; i've always noticed most root growth during the off hours in my dwc; the bigger the root mass the fatter the stem.... as far as nutes go, i recomend the earth juice organic lineup, doesn't burn as easy, depending on strain of course...