my babies aren't doin so good


Active Member
thanks. so once I get a nute free soil, how do I go about feeding when I water, like what exactly should I buy? I know the veg stage requires more nitrogen and the flowering stage requires more phosphorus I think, but what fert should I get for my needs?


New Member
You really shouldn't feed them anything until they are about a month old, then when you start mix 1/4 strength dose for them. You can't start off full strength or the babies will fry.


Well-Known Member
I would get some Fox Farm nutes or humboldt organic is the bomb too. I would mix 1 gallon at a time at half the recommended dosage. If you are going to use the MG then no nutes until you flower.


Active Member
thanks misshestermoffitt, im reading your thread now about iris and sadie. diggin the cfls, cuz thats how im workin mine right now. ill have the pics up in a bit


Active Member
just use fox farm ocean forest soil. you wont need any nutes till flowering, and possibly not even then.


Active Member
I say, don't ever start any plant in a cup or container without drainage , stop overwatering, that's been my action in the past -over-water. no CUPS. Plant your seeds in atleast 2 or 3 litre containers to start---- done.


Active Member
I put drainage holes in the cups, even slits on the very bottomside of the cup. So theres plenty of drainage. This grow has kind of evolved into an experiment. I started it on a whim, "just cuz". Hopefully with the help of everyone here I will pull these through and next time Ill be much better prepared and informed.


New Member
I started "just cuz" myself. Now I wish I'd have started "just cuz" along time ago.

I to like to sprout mine in the pots they will remain in. That way my plants don't have to keep feeling transplant shock.


Active Member
Here are the pics. It wasnt my camera so I couldnt figure out how to get any closer. These are of my actual setup and of some of my babies. Im pretty proud of my set up.1.jpg








You can see the brown spots on that one picture. As far as set up, I got one light on top, two on the sides for a total of 224 watts. I have a lot planted right now, just planted all the seeds my friends gave me and I know I wont be able to keep them all once they really start to grow, assuming you all can help me save them. So here they are. Let me know what you think about my set up, if theres anything I can do to improve. I cover the top and sides withaluminum to try to keep light in there, and I have that black fan blowing through the whole thing to stimulate the stems and keep it from getting too warm.


Well-Known Member
first ,why did you not put more soil in cups
it looks like you are over watering
these spots look like phosphorus toxicity


Active Member
As Ive mentioned in an earlier post, I started this with a friend, and he was the one that put soil in the cups and planted the first half of them. I made him put more soil in the other half.

an update on the leaf condition though: Those spots are really dry and I rubbed it just a little and it cracked and broke off(the tip of the leaf) Yesterday I did an experiment with a few of them, flushed one with lots of water, and that one seems to be looking OK today, it never looked real bad, but it looks pretty healthy. That might have helped. Theres a hydro store around here that ill hopefully be going to, but I think it might be closed today. Does anyone know if I can get Fox Farm at Lowes or Home Depot, cuz I dont want to use MG potting soil anymore. thanks


Active Member
how are the plants getting along?
Hey sorry for waiting so long, didnt think anyone cared anymore. Thanks!! But I repotted them in foxfarm ocean forrest soil. Limited my watering, after a couple days I added some blood meal. Then they shot up. But the smell was too strong and I got found out. But they're my friends and just made me get rid of em. :( I could tell they were gonna be good. They were so green and beautiful, almost reached flowering time with them. But I learned a lot from this experience, and I wont be having the same issues anymore. Thanks for your help:joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry for waiting so long, didnt think anyone cared anymore. Thanks!! But I repotted them in foxfarm ocean forrest soil. Limited my watering, after a couple days I added some blood meal. Then they shot up. But the smell was too strong and I got found out. But they're my friends and just made me get rid of em. :( I could tell they were gonna be good. They were so green and beautiful, almost reached flowering time with them. But I learned a lot from this experience, and I wont be having the same issues anymore. Thanks for your help:joint:

Your friends made you get rid of em?!?!? No way!! I'da been pissed! U need a closet mate. Start over and disguise it better! The light setup was looking pretty nifty with alot of scope to raise and lower and get light on all sides of the plants!

You can't just give up man!! Noooooo!!! Setbacks make you stronger my friend!!!!


Active Member
Ya, they're friends, but not really that cool with pot, although they've done it before. But they got their parents involved, who threatened to call the cops or have me evicted in a week (They own where i live, and I pay them rent).

And yes, next time will be a million times better.