My babies woke up sad. Need advice pic included


Active Member
sup riu, my babies woke up sad this morning. The leafs are slanted down.

They are about 2 weeks old or a bit more prob 13 to 15 days old from germ.

Running 2 cfls 100 wts each, warm white

6 in fan with a 3 in fan venting out the box.

Temp last night was a bit low maybe 55 to 65 f

strain - not sure, i thing is mids or someshit but not exotic.

No nutes yet .

Feeding poland spring water.

Please guys let me know whats going on the taller one is growin tall too fast and the stem looks thin.. She woke up this morning laying flat on the soil the all have new set of leafs doe.



Well-Known Member
poor drainage, or overwatered...try repotting and burying the long stems...that should help, and add some perlite into your soil...


Active Member
poor drainage, or overwatered...try repotting and burying the long stems...that should help, and add some perlite into your soil...
might be that but i only water them in once a day or every other day.. once the moist meter is at 1 or 2, but im going to repot them now,


Active Member
it looks to me they are having light deficiency , i had this problem when i started my plants fell on one side the stems where very thin, what i did i put the light much closer , say 2 to 4 inches , depends on power and heat , i keep my 55w cfls 2" away, and put a support stick and see the difference in few days, i now put my 400w hps 6 to 8 inches aways and the plant grow really fast , i don't know why most sites say put the light 12" and even more , when i did that the plant doesn't grows fast , really slow

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
No way a plant that size in a pot that size needs watering every day or even every other day. more like every 6 or 7 days. Water until you get some runoff and do not water again until the pot feels light. And pull those props out and let plant support itself...


Active Member
i usualy use phostrogen all purpose plant Food, its the only thing i can find around, but i've seen great results here on RIU using GH nutrints and only the micro and bloom "Lucas formula" , but i only use it when i start flowering, my soil is a compost potting soil, and it works great and the plant grows really fast, its only draw back is it can block the air from the roots ,which i think its your case, so you have to reduce the water, let them dry more this time before the next watering and see the results, if it works then always use the same time between waterings, check out Rumple with one plan harvest, and using lucas formula, with only micro and bloom


Well-Known Member
let that soil dry out before watering... it looks soaked!!! I'm no pro but I know that you should not need to water those every day or two... let them go 3 days or even 4 before you water again... I bet they'll perk up after you wait a few days and then water again


Well-Known Member
trust me.... today is Sunday.... do NOT water them until Thursday.... Wednesday at the very earliest and you will see them perk up the following morning.... let the soil dry out!!! good luck~