my babies


Active Member
first time grower my plant leaves r looking great but a few have holes, some look like a water stain is on them and also 1 tip of 1 of my babies looks like it been burnt i hope all this is jus normal growing, all of the above is very minimal out of 18 plants from 1wk to 1mo old, only like 4 is having these problems and oly 1 problem on each of the 4 plants


Well-Known Member
first time grower my plant leaves r looking great but a few have holes, some look like a water stain is on them and also 1 tip of 1 of my babies looks like it been burnt i hope all this is jus normal growing, all of the above is very minimal out of 18 plants from 1wk to 1mo old, only like 4 is having these problems and oly 1 problem on each of the 4 plants
Could you provide pics? Also what are the conditions you are attempting to grow in?That way you can get some good advice. Will wait for your reply.


Active Member
my pic exceeds the size limit if u kno how i can shrink it, but i have a hydro grow fill and drain, they r from seeds so i still dont know male from female, 3 2ft t5 flouro i have 9 plants under there the rest r small so there under 1 2ft t5, i will try again to put up pics


Active Member
to shrink your pics open it with nero or somin and resize it simple as that my friend, and my guess is your gonna need more light for them 9 plants otherwise they will stretch too much gd luck


Active Member
depends on the strain for the height sativas get tall indicas stay short, there are things you can do like topping, fimming, LST and SCROG check out my other threads you will see these topics as im a newbie too really but all these will keep them short and bushy HTH


Active Member
Just seen your pics they look really good and bushy indica's the height is fine good work my friend!!!