My babies


Active Member
Hey guys,
I am a first time grower, only a hobbyist really...never spent hundreds of dollars to set this up or anything. I have six plants and I was wondering what I should be doing next. Right now they are getting 18 hrs of light per day, and 20-20-20 fertilizer, diluted to be very mild, every second day. I was wondering if you could sex them for me yet or is it too soon. Any advice or tips would be extremely great. Thanks, happy growing and even happier smoking....




Well-Known Member
Great start. Welcome to a great hobby! First thing and very patient. They gotta veg before you sex. I would say make sure they are atleast 10" tall, filled out nice, and healthy. Use that as a goal for now before you tackle sexing.
What kind of lights are you using?
So far...looking good, keep it up


Well-Known Member
Hi fellowette Canuck... welcome
Too young to sex yet..I use 20-20-20 also....I would back off and feed once a week , you don't need more (I don't feed till 3-4 weeks old)... .. water every 3-4 days... good luck

+rep for growing


Active Member
Still too early to sex, you wont be able to tell until you get into the flowering. Be careful with watering, you don't want to over water. Be sure to check the soil when you water, and only water when it needs it.
What kind of light set up do you have??

mr west

Well-Known Member
looking good dudette keep it up. yeah like the twisty man says dunt feed till they bout 4 weeks old. Nice plants lets hope u get girlies.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
I am a first time grower, only a hobbyist really...never spent hundreds of dollars to set this up or anything. I have six plants and I was wondering what I should be doing next. Right now they are getting 18 hrs of light per day, and 20-20-20 fertilizer, diluted to be very mild, every second day. I was wondering if you could sex them for me yet or is it too soon. Any advice or tips would be extremely great. Thanks, happy growing and even happier smoking....

Veg them more for yield, although you can 12/12 a plant from seed.


Well-Known Member
Looking Great!!!!,,,,!Your Doing A Good Job With Them!!!!!!!,,,,,Best Of Luck !!!!,Later, HATCH:peace::mrgreen::blsmoke::joint::hump::blsmoke::mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
Hey how's it going? plants are looking pretty decent. i'm guessing just over 2 weeks old? its definately way too early to sex them (giggedy). i'm also a new grower but i've had my share of problems lol. looks like there might be a slight nute burn on one and do you have bugs or are you just picking off dead parts? thank god i found another canuck on here i thought i was the only one lol. good luck and keep posted.


Active Member
I am using two 48", 40 watt, plant and aquarium florescent bulbs, placed two inches above the plants. The light output is 1900 lumens for each bulb. Should they be getting more than 18 hrs or less. Thanks for replying so quickly.


Well-Known Member
As they grow add some CFL's... 6 plants under 4' of tubes, they might start fighting or something.


Active Member
i use 24 hour lighting. its a lot easier since you can never f up the schedule. and yeah don't want them to kill eachother over light lol.


Active Member
I used the same set up with the plant and aquarium bulbs and found my plants grew alright but did stretch a little for the light added 2 100w cfl as side lighting and all is well. planning on adding more as i get the money..more light the better.


Active Member
Okay good haha. i ws gonna say if you didn't have a fan to get one cause even though flouros don't get hot they still generate heat so its good to keep the air circulating.


Active Member
Me again...I just bought two 100 watt cfls today, so I'm going to add them. I find the room is really humid though, I'm thinking I need a dehumidifier?? I'm not a green thumb by any means, but I really enjoy this so I want to do whatever I can to make it work. Thanks for all the help so far, keep it



Active Member
A humidifier would fix your problem but as i'm sure you know they aren't cheap. Unless your house gets really humid in the summer then i don't think it would be a great investment for a hobbyist. I don't know what the weathers like over there but if its anything like bc then i'd imagdine its pretty dry when its not raining lol. if so then you could probably just keep the door to your room open and use that along with the fan to ventilate cool dry air in you know?