my baby girl is dying comment please!!!!!!!


Active Member
the plant used to have a tupperware bucket with co2 pucks (excellofiz) in it and i think i let too much co2 get to it... could that be the problem pith this plant



Active Member
**the tupperware was to the right of the plant with the pucks in it.. i meant to say.. i think it absorbed too much.. everything else seems to be the same


Active Member
the roots should not be exposed to co2 at all. only o2 should come in contact withe the roots or you will kill the plant


Active Member
check the pH. perhaps your locking out some nutrients. also you can never give a plant too much co2. and mac is right, only leaves should be exposed to co2


Active Member
k here goes with some pics to help.. i guess i need to cover up the holes im not using with the setup.... but no the c02 is not intentionaly around the roots... as for the nutes i give them the proper mix every other week should i add a half mix or somethin to throw in every week???... her are the pics to help tho


Active Member
int the third picture i got one of the holes covered with the lid from the tupperware, the co2 is in the tuperware off to the right you can barely see it.. the directions say to leave the lid on, i know i probly got c02 in the roots i just need to know how to fix it


Active Member
both plants are in the same water... and they are clones from the same plant.... i dont understand wh one is dying and not the other


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the water is 5 gal drinking water from the local market. i never checked the ph before. it just all the sudden drooped 1 day


Active Member
cant seem to find the problem.. thought it might have been over watering... turned off water suply for a moment. does anyone have some suggestions.. this is my last hope i had two plants now im down to one thats dying. they have never had a problem until now i dont understand this

