my babys r going to have to die

So basically i thought i had some money coming in quick so i could by them the lights they need, and a grow tent, and proper soil, and nutrients and everything they need but now im not gonna have it for about three weeks so basically im fucked. All i have right now is my seedlings in some miracle grow soil and a 24w 6500k cfl lighting them in a box covered on the inside woth aluminum foil. So i can probably take care of them for like a week, then theyre gonna need new soil, a bigger pot, nutrients, and better lights which i cant get so in short im fucked :sad:
So basically i thought i had some money coming in quick so i could by them the lights they need, and a grow tent, and proper soil, and nutrients and everything they need but now im not gonna have it for about three weeks so basically im fucked. All i have right now is my seedlings in some miracle grow soil and a 24w 6500k cfl lighting them in a box covered on the inside woth aluminum foil. So i can probably take care of them for like a week, then theyre gonna need new soil, a bigger pot, nutrients, and better lights which i cant get so in short im fucked :sad:
Unless somebody wants to give me like $300 hahaha


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that. Do everything you can to hold them over. If they don't make it, it wasn't meant to be.

Better now than months from now.
Sorry to hear that. Do everything you can to hold them over. If they don't make it, it wasn't meant to be.

Better now than months from now.
Yup im probably just gonna wait till my money gets here and get the proper equipment. Then ill just buy new seeds but this site im lookin at says €20,00 for 10 seeds. How much is that in the us?


Well-Known Member
So basically i thought i had some money coming in quick so i could by them the lights they need, and a grow tent, and proper soil, and nutrients and everything they need but now im not gonna have it for about three weeks so basically im fucked. All i have right now is my seedlings in some miracle grow soil and a 24w 6500k cfl lighting them in a box covered on the inside woth aluminum foil. So i can probably take care of them for like a week, then theyre gonna need new soil, a bigger pot, nutrients, and better lights which i cant get so in short im fucked :sad:
You might make that 3 week gap with the soil, i wouldn't water much in MG with just 1 cfl though. But if your lucky they will not grow much from underwatering.
And actually so everybody knows im putting on an extra week for the shipping of everytjing im buying but i can go to a local place and get the soil and pots in about two weeks but as far as the tent and my hps lighting and inline fan and carbon scrubber, im not sure theyll have it as cheap as i was gonna order it for, but those arent necessitys i guess. I can probably afford some cheap cfls and soil though in about two weeks
And actually so everybody knows im putting on an extra week for the shipping of everytjing im buying but i can go to a local place and get the soil and pots in about two weeks but as far as the tent and my hps lighting and inline fan and carbon scrubber, im not sure theyll have it as cheap as i was gonna order it for, but those arent necessitys i guess. I can probably afford some cheap cfls and soil though in about two weeks
But im deciding now that wrather than spending mor money just for something to go wrong again, im just going to accept it and get some new seeds when im much more prepared and start again

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
concentrate on soil and pots right now,you can go to lowes or home depote get a spliter for your light it is shaped like a y screw 2 bulbs in one socket,as far as carbon filter and fan goes your plants probally wont start to smell until they get about 3 weeks old some strain dont stink at all,that miracle grow is great for tomatoes but not weed in my opinion simply because it is a time release soil,if you dont no what that is,it has granular nutrients in it,that is still okay unless you were in coco or other soiless medium you wont have to feed it nutrient for 3 weeks or so anyway,dont stress the small shit man iv'e grown weed in a dixie cup before you dont get quanity but you will get something and if you dont you got the experience of keeping them alive and you gain knowledge doing go get her done .i hope i helped you out a little been there brother


Well-Known Member
i think you would be perfectly fine just time em down or leaveem in the window sill then when you get your upgraded lights just clone and start from there! no reason too murder! are rhe fem forsure? if not id just practice on them til my money was right then order from herbies xD


Well-Known Member
Why not put them outside for light for the time being? You can dig a hole and put the pot in there next to some weeds/shrubs. That's what I'm doing right now even though I have a HID.

I'd just get a bag of soil with no additives from your local discount store (mine was $3.50 )and just not use the miracle grow unless necessary. After you get your cash in start some new seeds and still grow this one out.
Why not put them outside for light for the time being? You can dig a hole and put the pot in there next to some weeds/shrubs. That's what I'm doing right now even though I have a HID.

I'd just get a bag of soil with no additives from your local discount store (mine was $3.50 )and just not use the miracle grow unless necessary. After you get your cash in start some new seeds and still grow this one out.
Growing outside definitley isnt an option haha or in the window. Im gonna try to keep them alive becuz i do want to get some experience and y not when the chance is there but i think im not gonna invest very much money in this becuz hopefully ill be grtting the money i need in a couple of weeks and i can just start over doing everytjing properly. I think.its whats best considering i havea bsolutley no money to spend right now haha