My backyard Beauty

the chronic man

Active Member
My plant started out as an accident. I was high one day and planted a seed from some middys in a pot in one of my front rooms, trying to piss off my dad. After i planted it one of my parents moved the pot and i couldn't find it for about 2 weeks. When i found it on my front porch, with a bout 1 week developed plant growing in it i was quite surprised. It was a very very healthy plant for being accidental. I wanted to keep it and i knew if i kept it there eventually my dad would see it and bitch at me. So i had to move it. I found my spot, a place behind some bushes in my backyard behind my fence. The soil inst very fertilized but it is still growing. When i transplanted it all of it went limp instantly and pretty much all the leaves fell off and i thought i lost my first plant just like that. Fortunately through miracles it is alive and quite healthy ( least i think so ). Unfortunately I don't know what to do from here. I water it every other day and use 36 - 6 - 6 Miracle grow lawn stuff. Its the only fertilizer i got so i figure it does the job. i just sprinkle a little less then teaspoon into a qt. of hose water. I will post pics of my set up and plant soon so maybe someone can give me some pointers on wut to do from here.

Here are the pictures -

Close up - Female or Male ???

The area


Well-Known Member
Yeh I was thinking ok nice looking plant for an accident then I saw the electrical boxes and what looks like a road to the right.

Not a good spot IMHO.e


Active Member
Dig it up and move it while you have the chance! It looks like you have phone and cable boxes right next to your grow. Not good! It will get snatched or reported when the goodness comes.