My big buddha cheese grow

well grow

Active Member
nice!!!they busting pistles all over the place,ive got BBBC bro(Big buddhas blue cheese) and i cant wait to get growing that
Thanks Bluemax when you start growing your BBBC get a jurnal up, BBBC dose look nice ive seen some pics.

To all thanks for watching im going to give i a phew days before i put any pics up of my girls so we can see a better change. But ive just uplit my plants with some Clf's so the undergrowth gets good light ill put some pics of my home made uplighters later they look good :peace: out and happy growing.

well grow

Active Member
This is a pic of my home made Clf uplighter

I used a standard lamp fixings, Icut a hole in a small plant pot and screwed it on and cut a small hole for the wire it was easy, Im going to see if it helps atall ill keep you guys updated :peace: out.

well grow

Active Member
oh mate i was so tempted wen he said that, its all i can do not to spam ya thread with pics of hairy chicks lol. Nifty littel extra light gadget thingy mate, it cant hurt can it lol.
Haha i read it and thought here come the hairy girls i was tempted to put some on my self lol, Its all fun and games westie.

Just for you westie a hairy girl enjoy....?

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
hi bro i just done a big buddha cheese grow with white widdow they come out the nuts i pulled 4 0z off the big buddha and 6 off the white widdow it was well nice the taste is the bollocks
just started new grow doing bubblegum and cheese and blueberry and white widdow ilpost some photos soon see my grow on my page good luck u wont be disapointed thanks widdow

well grow

Active Member
Here is some new pics of my girls enjoy

Im 4 weeks 1 day into flowering their smelling realy nice now ill get some better pics up tomorrow thanks for watching :peace: out.

well grow

Active Member
Well guys i got exited and ive took some more pics enjoy

My girls are growing so fast, Thanks for watching :peace: out

well grow

Active Member
lookin good dude resin production in full flow gonna be some good shit
Thanks Don.

how long u gonna let em go for, i left mine 66 days lol good luk m8
Hey Mr West im not too sure yet i think ill take it up to 8 or 9 weeks depending on how it looks and feels haha i havent got a clue lol but i think ill know when its ready they should tell me, My girls talk to me if you know wha i mean. :peace: out. And happy growing.

well grow

Active Member
Hello everyone, Today my girls are 4 weeks and 3 days into flowering. Due to topping them they have started to lean out a little bit too much so i have propped all of them up but they are looking good besides one that has allways been a little bit slow growing the runt as i call her but she is budding now not aswell as the rest but ill give her a bit of extra time flowering and she should turn out good. I have been watering them every other day with 400ml's of bloom nutes and if they get a bit dry i just give them some ph adjusted water they seem to like it. Now ive got a little question for anyone realy, Can i put sugar into my bloom nutes to help with the flowering process? i know people put molasis in ther nutes but will sugar work the same?.
Ive took some more pics for you guys enjoy.

Theirs a lot more pics on my profile take a look any questions are welcome thanks for watching :peace: out.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
comin on a belta man, no idea about the sugar tho?! but there's a million threads about molasses, try googling sugar molasses and rollitup ;)