My big buddha cheese grow

well grow

Active Member
Here are some new pics of my ladies you can see the differance in the bud size since ive trimmed her im happy with the out come

I have had a lot of growth from them especialy since i took the leaf off they are looking healthier because i had a lot of nute burn on some of them and ive give them a chance to get all that new leaf out their responding well i think. Thanks for watching people if you have any questions just ask :peace:out.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
should be a good harvest man, have you got a scope to check the trichs or you just gonna do it by eye? if you've got a few id be tempted to take an early one a 9 week one and a 9 n a bit just for shits n giggles


Well-Known Member
very cool plants ... yea they'll be sweet .... i'm gonna try leavin mine a lil'longer this time round .... I'm like 8wks since pistils showing ... urs look mighty fine, that'll be some stankysmoke.

well grow

Active Member
should be a good harvest man, have you got a scope to check the trichs or you just gonna do it by eye? if you've got a few id be tempted to take an early one a 9 week one and a 9 n a bit just for shits n giggles
Ye ive been tempted to cut some off but i havent yet lol but i do want to but at the same time i want to wait just a bit longer but even if i did cut i would still be waiting ages for it to dry and cure haha so im screwd either way i think lol. I was going to get an eye glass from ebay but i found out that i can get one from my local jewlers so im going to pic one up tomorrow so i can can get upclose and personal lol.

very cool plants ... yea they'll be sweet .... i'm gonna try leavin mine a lil'longer this time round .... I'm like 8wks since pistils showing ... urs look mighty fine, that'll be some stankysmoke.
Thanks tahoe the other day i looked at one of the topps of my girl and seen a lot of brown hairs so i thought it must be ready i was going to cut it but my lights went out lol but when the lights come back on i had my scissors ready to kill lol but lots of new hairys had come through and another layer of bud had started grow glad i never cut now phew i think im a bit too eager at the min so im restricting my acsess to my room to 2 half an hour visits a day lol.

Thanks for watching guys :peace: out.

well grow

Active Member
well done well grow...this is when your self control is really tested...good luck... :-)
lol thanks Ark, but i do have verry little self controle lol but im thinking ive waited this long to get up to this stage so a little bit longer wont hurt but now saying that ive lied a little well not a little a lot haha its killing me but i must stay calm and be paishent. Ill have to get stoned to block out the thoughts haha that should be good.

Looking very nice bro! :weed:
Thanks Smoke

:peace: out everyone and happy growing.

mr west

Well-Known Member
NICE! mate few weeks are gonna be tough, make sure u keep ur stash tin full lol. Good work mate nice one>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Active Member
things are looking very nice in there my friend I personally just smoked some cheese about a week ago that was purchased and it was A grade buds
Im sure your gonna end up more than happpy
keep growing ill be watchin:weed:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
the real test now is can you leave it to cure before tucking in, i doubt 1% of RUI manage it and then its probably the larger commercial types that have it to throw to the back of a cupboard...

one day......

well grow

Active Member
thanks guys. thats just what i was thinking don i dont think that i could stand knowing it was their sitting in a jar for all that time lol :peace: out


Active Member
thanks guys. thats just what i was thinking don i dont think that i could stand knowing it was their sitting in a jar for all that time lol :peace: out
haha I second that notion its very hard especially the first one or two ive done three harvest and each one stays in the jar a few days longer lol
patience is a virtue when growing. experince is the only book of help haha
the trick is having a little bit of purchased so your not AS tempted but even then just a taste wont hurt right?


well grow

Active Member
Very true mate very true. The funny thing is that i dont smoke much bud so i should last me for ages lol, But it think i dont smoke as much because the weed we get here is rubbish all wet and shit no real taist to it so my weed should be exiting for me to smoke. I do get rather messed up from smoking bud so ill take my time savour the flaviour lol ill go missing for about a month haha thanks for watching guys :peace: out


Well-Known Member
wellgrow...i had no idea...if all you get is shit then you will be pleasantly surprised by what you get when you grow your own...i will never buy again. you may actually start smoking more as you will enjoy it sooooo much more...peace:leaf:


Well-Known Member
that is the for sure truth .... Walk On!!~~~~:weed:
wellgrow...i had no idea...if all you get is shit then you will be pleasantly surprised by what you get when you grow your own...i will never buy again. you may actually start smoking more as you will enjoy it sooooo much more...peace:leaf:


Well-Known Member
that is the for sure truth .... Walk On!!~~~~:weed:
not to hijack the thread...but isn't it ironic that now that I grow my own and I am no longer contributing to the darker side of society, no longer assisting hardened criminals in their efforts, I could get in more trouble than if I were just caught with a bag that I bought off the street...hypocrits...time for a change baby...time for a change.

well grow

Active Member
not to hijack the thread...but isn't it ironic that now that I grow my own and I am no longer contributing to the darker side of society, no longer assisting hardened criminals in their efforts, I could get in more trouble than if I were just caught with a bag that I bought off the street...hypocrits...time for a change baby...time for a change.

I couldnt have said it better myself my friend thanks for watching some pics will be up tomorrow :peace: out


Well-Known Member
yup the real irony of it all .... it doesn't matter what is good or what is right, it doesn't matter what is fair .... its all bullshit. There is no fair, no right, there is no good, all of it has been shrouded in the bottom line, and money trumps it all. That be my pessimist rant for today.!! Walk on!!~~ :weed:
not to hijack the thread...but isn't it ironic that now that I grow my own and I am no longer contributing to the darker side of society, no longer assisting hardened criminals in their efforts, I could get in more trouble than if I were just caught with a bag that I bought off the street...hypocrits...time for a change baby...time for a change.
I couldnt have said it better myself my friend thanks for watching some pics will be up tomorrow :peace: out