My birthday is on the 14th


Well-Known Member
Middle East terrorist? Police bomb squad? Hit man? Monsanto techniclan? Mail man? Sexual surrogate? McDonald's customer?
Girls man and work. It ain't easy juggling the girl friends and potentials and keeping all the bs straight. Good thing I'm really smart and remember most of the details. Work, well let's just say I'm lazy. Other than that I'm actually a really nice, honest person and totally believe a non violent world full of peace and love is achievable.

First world problems man. I get to whine too. ;-) :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Not once do I miss my old truck.....had some snow today and the outback does wonderful. ....I'm thinking of getting my wife a legacy.....test drove a 2015 model the subaru dealer is trying to get rid of with the 3.6....nice cars to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Not once do I miss my old truck.....had some snow today and the outback does wonderful. ....I'm thinking of getting my wife a legacy.....test drove a 2015 model the subaru dealer is trying to get rid of with the 3.6....nice cars to say the least.
Sooooooooo…how was yuz birfday???

Do anything fun?

Did you get head? Did she swallow?


You were in Army…it’s unpatriotic if she doesn’t…


Does that ever work?

“Hey baby, you should suck my dick and swallow my load. If NOT, the terrorists have truly won….”
