My Block


Well-Known Member
Hey wats up everyone, I'm just smoking a blunt in bed just having some stoner thoughts. I was thinking how interesting my neighborhood street is, it has some interesting people. It's an average suburb with a little kick. Well my front door neighbor is the blocks little badass, he was just locked up 9 months for armed robbery, he broke into his ex-buddies garage and stole a bunch of stuff, he is like 23, he sells me some good stuff when I'm dry, it's so convinient cause I just walk like 20 steps, open the door reach in reach out and done. Lol. He is cool but going to jail again soon cause he was with an underage girl but her parents didn't give consent, so he got the cops on him and he was on probation lol,

ok and then right next door I have some rich ass neighbors, they used to have an identical house like mine. Same basic layout, but in 07 they demolished it and build a $700,000. Residence. The guy is indain and his wife is like polish,(she's hot) they are both cool never had problems with them,

then like 3 houses away I have another cool neighbor he's like 30 and always says wats up when he sees me, he has snow plowed my driveway the last 2 times it snowed with his ATV, he has some big weird looking greyhound dog lol,

and my directly front door neighbor is a hillbilly, he has a barn-garage and works on his sons NASCAR looking car. His son is like 17 and be races some custom race car, all day their just working on that car.

I think my back neighbor abuses his child or something, I get a bad vibe when I see them both, the kid is like 10 and once he was playing with my dogs and he said "can ur dogs be my friend? Cause my dad doesn't let me have friends" I'm like waaaaatt? I dunno man it's sketchy,

Then my next door neighbors are an old sweet couple, very quiet don't even know they are there,

I live in an incorporated area so when cops come by they are county sherrifs. I've seen like 2 cops around my house in 9 years lol.

So anyone have any stories?
Damn I'm so fucking high this thread is probably the stupidest shit haha,

I have 2 Siberian huskies. Both males, both beautiful dogs I'm blessed to have them,


Well-Known Member
lol my block is very interesting to,I recently moved back to the street I grew up on and the drama has still not left lol.
Its always some bullshit everyday today when I left to go to the bank there was 2 grown ass ladys fighting and someone was recording it so I cant wait to see it on youtube lol and the one ladys son kicked the girl his mom was fighting in the face and he knocked some of her teeth out and the ambulance had to come.Everybody started snapping on him but he took off,he has to come back eventually though because he lives right across the street.There already talking about taking shots at him when they see him.I already know what to expect tonight,Im kinda glad im on house arrest lol.Hopefully the blizzard will keep everybody in for a couple days.
I still love my block though its never a boreing day even when you cant go outside.


Well-Known Member
hahaha hopefully thats all he gets.He deserves it though,Hes a straight bitch always blasting lil wayne at like 3 in the morning lol.


Well-Known Member
Haha my front door neighbor has a caddy with 2 12" kickers and blasts them all day,

C'mon no one else got some neighborhood tales?

I'm smoking another fatty chilling with my huskies, life is so good sometimes...