My boyfriend smokes


Active Member

i knew he smoked when I met him, but he does it morning noon and night, he forgets what we have discussed and laughs at me..... hmmmm, will he always do this? i need an insight into his mind, please any suggestions.:confused:


Well-Known Member
My friend does that, he seems to be normal, and my buds been a giant pothead for years. Also, my other buddy did the same, and he got high 90's the last years of high school and is in University now... Mayeb your boyfrend just has that type of character...Like did he always smoke as much> if not, was he the same before? Maybe its something friend smokes a lot but also has ADD, and the ADD causes him to do the exact same thing as ur bf....cant focus...forgets and laughs at everything.


Active Member
well, he is 44 for gods sakes!!!!!! and he would rather hoon up than bed me!!! yes he has always, but i just wanna know if it is worth it you know, i do not smoke, have no problem with folks who do, but all his freinds do and when we go out i am the third wheel.


Well-Known Member
You need to start tokin my friend. That's the only true way you can see what's going on inside his head. And I don't know about you guys but I'm hornier than ever imaginable when I'm high :P. Well it's usually about 3/4 way through. Are you sure this is all he's doing?...


Too many brownies
Smoking marijuana effect the short term memory...but only while your high. It has no ill effects on your brain or memory. Go ahead and start smoking, Thc actually stops cancerous cells from forming so the risk of lung cancer is greatly reduced when compared to tobacco products.

I think you need to smoke a little with him and see if you like it.

I do the same exact thing as your boyfriend and it is because im has nothing to do with the weed trust me.



Active Member
hahahah, i have tried smoking but it puts me to sleep and i get super dizzy!!!!! argh!!!! i cannot win, and he is like a wilted flower when he buzzed up..... soft and squishy, useless..... i know it relaxes him, but when he smokes we have no conversation at all....

Mad Hatter

Well-Known Member
Thats cause when hes high an your not your speakin a diff language. If it puts you to sleep try another strain, try some energy pills, a couple of jolt sodas somethin.. Chances on him changin are slim but if you learn to love tokin with him I am pretty sure you guys will only grow closer. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Thats cause when hes high an your not your speakin a diff language. If it puts you to sleep try another strain, try some energy pills, a couple of jolt sodas somethin.. Chances on him changin are slim but if you learn to love tokin with him I am pretty sure you guys will only grow closer. Cheers!
100% agreed :)...


just some guy
Doesnt sound like a very fulfilling relationship to me. Don't try to change him, because you wont.

If you're not happy, split! life is too short.


Well-Known Member
Doesnt sound like a very fulfilling relationship to me. Don't try to change him, because you wont.

If you're not happy, split! life is too short.
ding, ding, ding!

or as my Dad's advice went: "you know all those little things that bother you about her son? Well it only gets worse."


Active Member
Smoking marijuana effect the short term memory...but only while your high. It has no ill effects on your brain or memory. Go ahead and start smoking, Thc actually stops cancerous cells from forming so the risk of lung cancer is greatly reduced when compared to tobacco products.

I think you need to smoke a little with him and see if you like it.

I do the same exact thing as your boyfriend and it is because im has nothing to do with the weed trust me.


I hate when people give medical advice about marijuana. Perhaps not hate, but it's quite annoying.

There is no clinical proof that marijuana has a lasting effect on short term or long term memory. True.

However, there are carcinogens related to THC and CBD. Not to mention that smoking weed, IE: Intake of THC causes your B-cells to stop propagating throughout your body. (B-cells are part of your immune system.)

Keep it real. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I hate when people give medical advice about marijuana. Perhaps not hate, but it's quite annoying.

There is no clinical proof that marijuana has a lasting effect on short term or long term memory. True.

However, there are carcinogens related to THC and CBD. Not to mention that smoking weed, IE: Intake of THC causes your B-cells to stop propagating throughout your body. (B-cells are part of your immune system.)

Keep it real. Thanks.
i'll try to put this as delicately as possible.... pot meet kettle.


Sector 5 Moderator
MJ does lead to reduced testosterone; that's about the worst thing you can say about it. Medically speaking, it is THE safest psychoactive substance on Earth. Frankly, it is THE safest substance on Earth - period. Aspirin causes hundreds of deaths each year and every other drug known to man has the potential to kill a human - with one exception, that being marijuana, the DEA even admits that and wanted to have it declassified as a class II "drug". Just a little Googling and you'll find the real truth about pot; it is a very powerful pain killer, anti-anxiety "drug", cancer fighter, the only known alzheimers disease fighter, clears up glaucoma, appetite stimulant, anti emitic, and many other things they have not discovered yet. It's not really a drug in the classic sense. They have recently discovered canabinol receptors in the brain! There are special receptors in the brain perfectly matched to the THC in marijuana that causes the wonderful feelings we have while high. So it's not like we are taking a big dose of drugs to get high; it's more of our brain being stimulated by the THC. Just order some cialis online and give him half a hit of that before toking up; he'll be the man of steel in an hour.


Active Member
if you dont smoke thats fine. but realize that he will most likely always be like this until her relizes what he's doing. put it this way, if you want him to chill out on the pot, tell him its either you or the pot. and then stay away from him for a while. let him come to you. and if he chooses the drug over you, well, there's your answer.

i know that sounds girly, but seriously, itll work. and to anyone who's is gonna say something along the lines of 'pot for life', well, there are more important things in life then staying high all the time.


Well-Known Member
Didn't know we had a agony aunt on this forum ;) That guy sounds like a loser, and when you said he would rather light up than bed you that just made me horny as fuck! Your obviously very sexual and he's probably impotent! find yourself a new man or find a strain that suits you, I reccomend a sativa, if what you smoked last time made you sleepy. Then you can toke up with your man and enjoy great stoned sex.

Or you could just have him bring home the bacon and pleasure yourself. Oh jesus, now i'm horny!


Well-Known Member
Smoking marijuana effect the short term memory...but only while your high. It has no ill effects on your brain or memory. Go ahead and start smoking, Thc actually stops cancerous cells from forming so the risk of lung cancer is greatly reduced when compared to tobacco products.

I think you need to smoke a little with him and see if you like it.

I do the same exact thing as your boyfriend and it is because im has nothing to do with the weed trust me.

No offence but that's typical pot head bullshit:twisted:. Smoking does effect short-term memory even after you recover from the high ( I say this from personal experience) not to mention the mild paranoia or anxiety:cry:, admittadly this is from heavy Daily toking. Also THC does not stop cancer cells, what your referring to is the compound CBD, which is a breakdown product of THC, but with no psychoactive effect. Recently it has also been shown that bud smoke on its own is worse than tobacco smoke.

It's all about moderation people! Peace out.:hump::hump::blsmoke::peace::mrgreen::joint:


Active Member
Sorry to say, I know what your feeling. I was that same person once. Third wheel, didn't care that anyone smoked around me, I just never did it. Then it happened one day.....we were fighting so bad we ending up breaking up over the fact that he always just laughed at me and said he didn't remember.....well practically everything. That night I was so upset. I went to a close friend who told me what I needed to do before I could put him in my past; before judging him. So I finally did it. I smoked. Guess what? We are still together. Happier then ever. It was all because I never understood what or why he did or said. I am telling you this.........just do it already. You only live once and its not like your going to become an addict or anything. Worse case scenario. You just might like it. Hope this helps. Happy trails.


Active Member
Guess I missed the part, where you said you finally smoked.
P.S. (It takes more than one time, and it helps if you get comfortable with it such as with some friends) no wonder you were dizzy, you were probably all paranoid too. Seriously though hang with some friends before you ditch the thought.