My bubble cloner


I always had trouble cloning. At first I had a sativa which was impossible to clone. I had about 10% success rate at best.

I tried to clone in soil, move to hydro and tried to clone in rock wool, and placed them into a humidity dome. I changes the strain and my success went up. With the new stain I was getting around 70% success but I always thought they were ugly.

I then decided to make a bubble cloner. Best idea ever. For all of you out there that are having trouble with taking clones this is the way to go. It's cheap, easy to make, and so far I have 100% success rate.

Roots begin to appear in day 5 and the plants are ready for veg in around day 14. If I had a water heater I guess they could be ready in day 10. Then I move the neoprene into net-pots and into a Aero veg system.

I veg for 3 weeks and then I move to the flowering area, but before I do so, I take cutting of the veg plants. This safes a complete setup and care for a mother plant and also is healthier for the plants do to minimal shock to a plant rather then a big shock for a mother which is stripped for 30 clones. Each plant gives 1-2 clones.

Aero is also great for cloning but is harder to built and manage. Also the bubbler is safer if the electricity would fail on me.

and yea, the plants always look like they were never taken off another plant.

Cloner.jpgCloner (1).jpgCloner (2).jpgCloner (4).jpgDSC00501.jpgCloner (3).jpg


Active Member
Props + rep!

I myself find it hard to clone, but i am new to cloning!
Any links to how you built it? would be very interested!



Well-Known Member
Ya wow man that looks like a great set up..ive tried cloning and to be honest never had any success i do not know if its the strain or what but it never works out....any site u can link me2 to build one like u did? or do perhaps have a tutorial?


Well-Known Member
looks good bro. i've just started using a DIY bubble cloner very similar to yours. I have one question for ya. Do you submerge the cut end of the clone in the water or have it hang just above the water line?

+rep for your reply in advance


Props + rep!

I myself find it hard to clone, but i am new to cloning!
Any links to how you built it? would be very interested!

Ya wow man that looks like a great set up..ive tried cloning and to be honest never had any success i do not know if its the strain or what but it never works out....any site u can link me2 to build one like u did? or do perhaps have a tutorial?
Thanks to both of you

I'm gonna start a "how to" about my whole growing setup soon, I'll make a good DIY there. There was a great link on Cannaversity I had bookmarked but it seems to have gone missing. Anyway there nothing to it really.

All you need is:

A container + lid
Air pump, tube and airstones

A drill
A drill bit
A hole saw (smaller then the neoprene)

You then drill, with the hole saw, few holes in the lid for the clones.
You then drill, with a regular drill, holes for the tubes of the air pump. You can drill in the lid or the container. But if you drill the container make sure that the holes are at the very top so no water can run out.

Then place the air-stones in the container, connect with the tube, connect the tube to the air pump. The air pump MUST be at a higher level then the water level in the container or else the water can leak back down into the pump and ruin it.

Cut the clones and place them in the neoprene. You see where this is all going.

The pumps you need is dependent on the volume of water you have. Good rule is:
Liters of water times nine.
5-6L = 50L pump
10-12L = 100L pump
17-20L = 150L pump
21-25L = 200L pump
42-50 = 400L pump

My container holds 33L and I'm using 3x 200L pumps. I had them lying around.

As for links. Use google? Here are a few I found. (Haven't watch them yet)


looks good bro. i've just started using a DIY bubble cloner very similar to yours. I have one question for ya. Do you submerge the cut end of the clone in the water or have it hang just above the water line?

+rep for your reply in advance
Some of the clones are submerged and others are not. Seems to make no difference. The pump is making it so humid that the bottom of the lid is dripping. I feel better if they are in the water. If you pump is powerful enough it shouldn't matter.
This guy took the words out of my mouth.I took 20 clones off of a plant and I had a zero percent success rate..seriously!As soon as I got this bubble cloner I have 100 percent.I truly believe that with this method there is no such thing as a "hard to clone plant"
A few quick questions
what PH do you maintain?
Do you add anything to your water?
what type of water are you using?
What light are you using?
and what temp do you keep your water at.
I also use this method with great success but it takes me a couple weeks for roots instead of days.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the plans, looks like a nice set up. I love my bubble cloner.

Some things I have taken note of with mine, which may help if you are having trouble.

A slime can build up on the stems, causing them not to root, and any present roots to stall. Some people overcome this by simply changing the water every 24-48 hours. I personally inoculate the water with beneficial microbes, which keeps it fresh and disease free. Sterilizing agents can also be helpful but i've found they sometimes stall new baby roots, especially h202.

Lights should be indirect. You want to provide enough light to keep them active, but you want to have very little photosynthesis. You want the stored energy to be available for root production, not foliage. Once you see roots, even just starter shoots, you can provide more light.

Dutch Master makes a product called APS (advanced propagation solution). When used as a foliar spray, it provides the clones with the perfect amount of nutes, and helps them grow as if they never had been cut from the plant. It wont help them root any faster, just keeps them healthy and ready to explode once veg starts. If you use this spray you can provide more light from the start.

Anyhow, those are a few of the things my bubble cloner has taught me.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
+rep Drice !
Them clones are a nice ass pic.

Got a +rep coming Heisenberg, but gotta spread more love first ! lol

Time for to build a new bubble cloner soon.
I have a little square 5gal Igloo that I bought 2 weeks ago, to convert first.


A few quick questions
what PH do you maintain?
Do you add anything to your water?
what type of water are you using?
What light are you using?
and what temp do you keep your water at.
I also use this method with great success but it takes me a couple weeks for roots instead of days.
I do not adjust my PH at all. But if I would I would have it at 5,9-6,5. The PH should not affect it at all because they are not collecting nutrition from the water.

I don't add anything to the water but you can add some liquid cloning solution. But it would not have that much affect I think. Only speed things up by a day or two.

I use tab water but I advice you to use distilled.
I use 3x 14w T5 fluor lights. They require very little light untill they root.

I don't know what the water temp is but I am going to add a water heater and keep it at 20°C.

Props man. Cuts not only look healthy but also responding and reaching for the lite source. Good stuff.
Thx mate :)

Thanks for the plans, looks like a nice set up. I love my bubble cloner.

Some things I have taken note of with mine, which may help if you are having trouble.

A slime can build up on the stems, causing them not to root, and any present roots to stall. Some people overcome this by simply changing the water every 24-48 hours. I personally inoculate the water with beneficial microbes, which keeps it fresh and disease free. Sterilizing agents can also be helpful but i've found they sometimes stall new baby roots, especially h202.

Lights should be indirect. You want to provide enough light to keep them active, but you want to have very little photosynthesis. You want the stored energy to be available for root production, not foliage. Once you see roots, even just starter shoots, you can provide more light.

Dutch Master makes a product called APS (advanced propagation solution). When used as a foliar spray, it provides the clones with the perfect amount of nutes, and helps them grow as if they never had been cut from the plant. It wont help them root any faster, just keeps them healthy and ready to explode once veg starts. If you use this spray you can provide more light from the start.

Anyhow, those are a few of the things my bubble cloner has taught me.
What are these microbes you mentioned? I'm really wanting to look into that.
Also, you think my lights are enough?

+rep Drice !
Them clones are a nice ass pic.

Got a +rep coming Heisenberg, but gotta spread more love first ! lol

Time for to build a new bubble cloner soon.
I have a little square 5gal Igloo that I bought 2 weeks ago, to convert first.
Thx mate :)