my bud has seeds y?


Well-Known Member
i just harvested my bud and ass i was cutting it all up three seed have poped out so far and i can see tons of seed pods so far none are premature but what i wan t to know is hot it got pollinated when it was fem ale from beginning and i had no males around it


Well-Known Member
start looking in your neibours yards the pollen is finer than power and can travel pretty far on a breeze


Well-Known Member
I think your plant is "a little bit pregnant"...That bastard is around somewhere and its too late for a machete just give him the machete...


Well-Known Member
some females get a few seeds in the crown, sort of sign of maturity.
but these are usually still green and quite small.
Dunno how your getting big mature seeds like that unless some one around you is growing. You would have noticed a hermie while triming.


Active Member
I'd find that neighbor and pollinate his plants too with my pollen. bah. if you dont want the seeds, give them to me!! :)


Well-Known Member
in one ounce i have found 8 seeds. most of them are totally brown with tiger stripes. 8 seeds per ounce what does that mean? i pulled my males early so i dont know..


Active Member
seeds in a female with no boys around, there is some hermi action, nothing to worry about, as long as that nut sack busted on the lower buds you are good, its when it hits the top on down that will fuck up your whole plant.
can somebody help me. i have 3 white rhino's about 4 weeks into budding. i just noticed one of the plants went hermi on me. the pod was open. i now notice that there are some seeds in my colas on one other plant......what should i do? should i chop now or keep them growing till ready to harvest? i was planning on selling some. will the buds get bigger? if i keep them growing til harvest will these seeds be any good to me or will they be hermi plants? any help would be appreciated. cheers