My bud have aphids!!! trash the buds???


Well-Known Member
If you sold me that shit I would play it off and call you for another sack and gun whip the fuck out of you!
what ever happen to the days when we only had to worry about criminals who had guns? these days, "law abiding" citizens scare the hell out of me!


Well-Known Member
yeah i'm pretty sure id be at your'e house beating your ass if i bought weed with bugs on it. Hey maybe my 3 brothers would join in?


For anyone who has this problem in 2013 and beyond: take a dried branch, cut it in half and make it a little broom, swipe that shit off and sell it.
Im not some fucking crematorium so i aint smoking that shit, but i did make like 500 bucks off that shit probably more.
Once you sell 1.5-2 grams a bag aint nobody gonna complain, neither do i since i was gonna throw it out anyway.
This the best answer I seen on forum so far^^^make me laugh every time I read it thread starter ask for solution and this guy found it lol...