my bud overnight smells like damp laundry and has mold on it


Active Member
can someone help please. the only reason why i think it happen it becouse i took the buds offf the stem from hangin only 5 days into it and put it in a jar can that be the problem. the weeed was light light green mas crystals smelled goood over night turned dark dark green has white mold on it and smells like damp laundry bad


Well-Known Member
Moldy bud is ruined for smoking, sorry. If you dry it out IMMEDIATELY and ENTIRELY, you might be able to salvage it for hash oil type extraction.

You didn't mention how long the buds were in the jar before they turned moldy, but I can practically guarantee you it wasn't really "overnight". The mold was there earlier, you just didn't notice it.

What happened is simple, your buds weren't dry enough inside the jar. Heres a few tips to prevent this from happening again:

a. Don't jar your buds until they are fairly well dried. Some people say don't jar until the stems snap, though I think a bit earlier than that is still OK. Make sure when you do your initial dry that air can circulate around the buds, that the area isn't too humid, and that the temperature is OK (say 65-85F).

b. Don't pack the buds too tight in the jar. IE, not more than maybe 75% full. There has to be space around the buds so air can get to every surface so they can dry out evenly. If you get a big clump together, the inside won't dry out right, and that's a setup for mold. Once the buds are nearly totally dry at the end of curing, then you can have some clumps, but not before.

c. Once jarred, you have to open the jar on a regular basis to let out the moisture given off by the curing buds (this is what people call "burping"). You have to do this at least once per day for the first two weeks or so, and I'd suggest 3-4x per day for the first few days after jarring since that is when they will be giving off the most moisture. If they feel too wet (ie soft) inside the jar, then leave the jar lid open for longer (eg for over an hour, or even overnight) so they dry out more before reclosing.

d. Every time you open the jar, make sure you move the buds around inside so that they dry out evenly. You can do this before or after, just by shaking or stirring them around. Again, big "clumps" are bad.