My Buds are growing alot of leaves...Anything to worry about? (PICS)


Hey guys I need some help

This is my second grow and my Big Buddha - Cheese plant is in week 5 of flowering and she looks kinda weird I think.

It looks like there are alot of leaves growing in and around the bud area. Like little starter leaves. I once saw a pic of a plant who's buds w ere covered in little leaves and it made the buds unsmokable and ugly.

Am I running this risk? Is there something wrong? I don't even know for sure if there is a problem or not. It could be fine.

Lemme know guys



p.s. It was a clone of my last plant which turned out super well. Perfect amount of leaves. Alot less than this one. So I am pretty sure its not genes


Well-Known Member
That is absolutely, totally normal. Leaves still grow during flowering and if, as you say, this happened before and made the product unsmokeable and ugly, there was something else going wrong with it. You have nothing to worry about. This is normal for plants, they all do it.