My cat ate my plant.

i guess i must be lucky my girl will actually fall asleep in the sun next to the plants. i grow a lot outside and she just likes to smell the pretty flowers. i'll post some pics later when she's in the garden keeping a watchful eye over the ladies.
I am sorry to here that! My cat did that once and then puked it up...

Thought about making a small throw rug. Did not harm him, but never let him near my stash again!
In my old box I had an air intake hole, my cat crawled through and dug one of them up. I was so pissed now i keep a screen over my intake.
eat the cat.

lol. my buddy has like 3, 2 weeks befor harvest we 'catproofed' his grow room, ive heard some horror stories about those sneaky pussies lovin the fresh ganj, fuck that. i hate cats. lol
Seriously though. Catnip is easy to grow and a pot or two around the house will more than occupy your feline conpanions.....
classic problem, not so funny but kinda ironic my cat loves bud just as much as its owners. literally need to shut the door to the grow room immediately behind me, opening it only enough for me to squeeze through or else my cats goin to be in there lounging under the light or inspecting the crop
dude, go up to your cat with a balloon and POP it right in its face and scare the shit out of it...

then put balloons around the plants.... your cat will never go near them again

I know this is an old thread and all but I just straight laughed for 5 minutes straight at that. You sir are legendary