My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!


Active Member
Okay so the FIRST picture is 3 DAYS ago. Second picture is this morning, and 3rd picture is the plants this morning.

What do you guys think of the light placement now? Also what do you think about the new growth? You can see the slight nute burn too



Active Member
hey man lookign good, i beleave In the vegetative phase 20 10 10 (or 20 20 20 if your lamps are 24h/24h on) but dont hold me to that , and also you can put them into 12 12 when ever you feel like it. but keep in mind that the plant can grow up to 3 times its size in flouring .. and at the rate thoease are growing , with another week of veg you can probly tripple the size of your finished product

all together i say your lookign great man happy growing


Active Member
well I havn't updated this in awhile basicly because a few nights ago I tried to lightporrof my cabinet 100% when its pitch black in my room and I blocked off the circulation a little to much and in the morning the plants were pretty fried and it was like 95-100 degrees in there. So I fixed the problem and they are just starting to grow again yesturday/today and its been pretty damn slow and ugly... they are picking up though!


Active Member
Well I added another light as well as finally adding a thermometer last night.... this morning I open it up and its 100 degrees F... didn't do any damage to the plants I dont think... but damn this space is way too small for the amount of lights I am using! I am looking into moving my bedroom into a spare room here at home which has a small 4 ft tall closet thats not being used... dimensions are about 4' tall, 5' deep and 3' wide. I could vent all of my air into the attack as well just by cutting a hole.... also its more lightproof.


Active Member
Did some upgrading tonight to the grow...

First of all I added the big box fan you see.... behind it is a 80MM intake fan with a pipe leading under the cab which is cold fresh air... so the big fan basicly sucks that air in and blows it on the bulbs at the top... also at the top there is a 80MM fan blowing out into pipes that lead a few feet away... same with the other exhaust on the bottom. After I did this the temps are staying around 82 degrees... i obviously need something alot bigger for this grow so i am looking into using said closet.



Nah man tis ok.Make sure the lights are close.If your going to lst you will need bigger than a cup.I tried it and then ended up pulling the stakes out and now i have a curvy curly plant budding =) it looks cool.If you dont have much space make sure you look into topping them.


Active Member
I moved the big fan to help blow air out in the other corner.... it works alot better like this and with 6 lights turned on it only reads in at like 85 degrees!

QUICK QUESTION! Can I stack PC Case fans together? Like put two fans together and make it double thick to blow twice the air?


Active Member
Well here is my latest fan idea... I put the big box fan blowing in the corner and its all air tight so it blows directly out where the pc fan is... which helped get the heat out ALOT. It stays at about 85 now no matter what which quite a few bulbs on! Plants are starting to grow a bit again.



Well-Known Member
85°F is still really hot for only using CFL's man...
Get a stronger exhaust fan and watch your growth rate speed up tremendously


Well-Known Member
watching your grow, looks great, im thinkin of doing the same thing(fishtank stand grow) but my tank stand has an open back so i will have to block the back with cardboard or something. im new to growing too so your grow helps alot unfortunetly none of the weed i buy ever has seeds.


Active Member
Any ideas for exhausting? What if I put two PC fans back to back for the exhaust to blow double the air? would that work?


Active Member
Another picture update! I decided to scrap the big fan in there, it just took up to much room and I had to sacrifice lighting on one plant because of it so it just wasn't worth it. I am only running 6 bulbs right now to keep the temps down... but 6 isn't bad for 2 plants anyways.. that's 141 total watts for them!

The one plant is getting EXTREMELY bushy and I don't know why? Is it anything to worry about? I think I might start flower on Friday no matter what so will that plan grow out more?



Active Member
well I am going to have to start flower on friday.... if thwy do grow up to triple their height they will be too tall for the grow!


Active Member
Switched them over to flowering today... so as of 12AM friday morning they start their first 12 hours rest! I also switched over all of the bulbs to 2700K except for two.

Hopefully Ill at least get one female!

If it so happens they are both males can I just grow em out and make hash? Would it be worth it???

Anyways here are the pics... I am surprised I cant smell it in my room yet because the plants themselves smell pretty damn strong!

