This is a week to week journal that I will be updating regularly with pictures as well as answering comments and questions regarding my CFL Grow OP. Please feel free to look and make comments to let me know what you think! I can take criticism.....just don't be a D!@%!!

It started with an idea thatMGO14.PNG another RIUMGO4.JPG member had(a friend as well). A closet turned CFL grow op that produced buds as tall as Pringles cans and just as big around(yes thats them in the pic). We decided that the closet could be a little bigger. He didn't have the room yet. Not enough room meant that he could only grow about 4 plants. With this method also came the need for a seperate area for veg and clones that he didn't have room for.

The power cost was low still with this design however and we found that with a little planning we could design a 250$us cabinet that would still be very cost effective and house 3 areas for all stages of development for a proper cycle. A bloom area 4x4x2 foot, allowing for 6-8 plants. A veg area about 2x2x2 and a clone area about 1x1x2 foot. With a black plasticMGO2.JPG rollable View attachment 1225382front sheet we maintain great airflow and it stays very cool being CFL. I vented mine right in to the floor of tMGO1.JPGhe upstairsMGO3.JPG in my house so it removes 50% of the light heat from the room straight off.

A couple of ingenius moMGO7.JPGds and we View attachment 1225403made my cabinet our test. The light switches on top are for allowing a quick shutoff in case of emergency. Plus it was easy to divide MGO8.JPGwhat lights nView attachment 1225377eeded what power. Timers and everything make this a sweet and easy grow op. Currently I have 4 plants gowing and nothing in the Veg or Clone area. They are in veg state right now but i'm using the big light box you can see in the picture untill I get my clones in a few days. MGO5.JPGView attachment 1225383

Bloom starts on friday soMGO6.JPG I gave them a trim today and tied more arms down for more buds. Ill keep this updated weekly. Enjoy



As long as you maintain good water and food, though I haven't used auto's yet, bud thrives with love and attention.....and nutrients...and light....and...........................

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
Ok so I am plant sitting for JP!. Here are some updated pics for JP and everyone else. comments and advice are welcome. :leaf::weed:



WOW!!! I love your setup. Won't break the bank yet can produce a nice personal growth amount. I was curious sorry if I missed it, but did you use a filter on your exhaust to get rid of the smell? And if you did any idea how effective the charcoal filters really are? I was curious if they are worth the price... or do you risk it and use nothing at all?

I was also curious if white melamine would have worked better instead of plywood. I know it's more expensive, but with it having white plastic on both sides would it possibly have reflected a bit more light back at the plants?

I am a total noob so asking a million dumb questions before i try a small set up like yours for myself. Sorry if they annoy you but I do like how you have your set up built. :D

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
WOW!!! I love your setup. Won't break the bank yet can produce a nice personal growth amount. I was curious sorry if I missed it, but did you use a filter on your exhaust to get rid of the smell? And if you did any idea how effective the charcoal filters really are? I was curious if they are worth the price... or do you risk it and use nothing at all?

I was also curious if white melamine would have worked better instead of plywood. I know it's more expensive, but with it having white plastic on both sides would it possibly have reflected a bit more light back at the plants?

I am a total noob so asking a million dumb questions before i try a small set up like yours for myself. Sorry if they annoy you but I do like how you have your set up built. :D
Smell shouldn't be a problem, being a medical patient and all, but should the problem arise an easy DIY carbon filter will be added to the exhaust. and yes the carbon filters work wonders for any smell to be taken care of.

1/2" plywood is $8 a sheet, melamine is $35 a sheet. with the difference in cost you can buy panda film or some other reflective material to line the plywood walls with, or even paint. The second big reason not to use melamine is that 2 sheets of 1/2" melamine weigh as much as this entire box!! But if you are building a box to be permanent and have the extra money then i would use melamine, but to stay cost effective i use plywood and reflective plastic. and this box can be picked up by 2 people and carried to where ever it needs to be.

Hope this helps a little if you need more info send me or JP! a message.


Sweet! I love getting attention on my posts! D-rock is a close friend and anything he says I'll concur. He did a fantastic job plant sitting for me and in the next day or so I'll put another update up for progress pics. Things are sailing the way they should right now so please be patient for update pics.

In regards to the melamine, he's right the weight would be like 3 times our current but again if you have time, a stable location, the cash and want to use mel, it'll work great.

Ok back to call of duty: black ops....update in a day or so.....

Keep the questions coming, or comments, those are fun too.



Wow its been a while since I posted. But here are a few pictures from last night that I took with my iPhone and lupe to show some cloudy tri's.......Also, Today is cut day so I will have some more pictures up when I am done and have some finished product to show off. If you have any questions or comments please leave them below, I like thatsome people are actually providing input and feedback......not like the other 300+ viewers that look and leave. Feedback is important to all of us here at RIU. It helps us to determine if we are doing things right, wrong, good, better, best, and as always we like to help and give advise to those just starting out so that they know this is a community that helps, not a government site tracking your pot growing habits.

Grow on friends, and enjoy your right as a human to indulge in the plants that the good lord gave us all.
iPhone 2124.jpgiPhone 2116.jpgiPhone 2125.jpgiPhone 2113.jpgiPhone 2114.jpgiPhone 2130.jpgiPhone 2128.jpgiPhone 2118.jpgiPhone 2129.jpgiPhone 2126.jpgiPhone 2127.jpg
iPhone 2115.jpg


iPhone 060.jpgiPhone 061.jpgiPhone 073.jpgiPhone 079.jpgiPhone 068.jpgiPhone 071.jpgiPhone 059.jpgiPhone 067.jpgiPhone 074.jpgiPhone 076.jpgiPhone 070.jpgiPhone 075.jpgiPhone 077.jpgiPhone 069.jpgiPhone 062.jpgiPhone 064.jpgiPhone 063.jpgiPhone 078.jpgWow the grow went good this time round..... I got about 4 OZ's (little over) of healthy fat nugs. Havent started smoking iPhone 065.jpgyet, still curing. Heres a few pics....i'll post the new kid pics in a couple days...... Super Silver Haze!! Let me know what you think......JP!iPhone 066.jpg


Well-Known Member
Great job man i hope all goes well with your dry and cure because the grow was outstanding + Rep and well deserved...I hope you dont mind me using your last post as a reference for some real haters on Cfl's i had a discusion with the other day...Peace


The cure goes well. Small stuff is very tasty, larger nug needs a few more days....

Feel free to show all who do not believe in the power of the CFL.......Thanks for the +rep!

Enjoy the blessings god gave us. Peace.



hey....god did so give me all seed bearing plants and herbs to use......Genisis 1-12..... Eat me. So what you have time to peruse my post but you cant make it down to see your little kids? losers......losers.......LOOOOOOSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRSSSSSSSSSSSS!!


Here is an update for round 2. I have 7 Super Silver Haze, 2 Sweet Island Skunk, 2 BlueBerry Hogs, and 1 Jack H. 1 of each strain will be put in to the veg room (to be completed soon) to be brought up as moms. The remaining 8 will be split between myself and d-r0ck's boxes, while he is hoping his seeds will bring forth female green crack. So after sexing he will get his 4 from me and move them home (as long as he has room). For the time being, I have them all in my grow so we dont get anything fucked up with his sexing.

A few keynotes from the last grow that I didnt tell.

Last grow, my yeild was a total of 4 ounces, I have cured and smoked both types and they are both very good. However the so called Gods Vagina, was the shit. It came out with the most potent stink ever, it was purple(due to cold, temp was between 55-75 depending on the night cold), the nugs were iPhone 063.jpgmore dense and overall the high was better and the taste was also. But the OG was nice for the morning smoke so that I didnt get fucked up beyoniPhone 061.jpgd repair too early. For the people who followed, thanks for the comments and keep following as I will keep updating.

Here's the new girls.....
iPhone 062.jpg

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
got some nice looking buds there bro...give us a smoke report
uhm..... yea.... im gonna have to ask you to come in on saaaaaturdaaayy mmmmmkaaayyy..... and i'm also gonna need you to read 2 posts above yours mmmkayyyyy.. lol


iPhone 4 158.jpgiPhone 4 156.jpgiPhone 4 157.jpgiPhone 4 161.jpgSo the latest from my little grow......I have done a few fixes like completing the mother veg area and clone area. I am not using the Mom area yet as the plants I have are getting a little tall and I want to put them in bloom so that I can get some more smoke as I have already gone through all 4 OZ's from the last run.

Smoke Report: Just fantastic, I smoked both at an even pace and overall I liked the God's Vagina better as it was a more kick you in the head type high. Great smell, taste, and overall this was one of my best runs.

The new kids: I lost one of the 7 Super Silver Haze so now I have 6. 1 Jack Herer. 2 Blueberry Hogs. 2 Sweet Island Skunk. So 11 total that are going in to bloom. I also have 6 clones of each strain.

Here is a couple shots showing how tall and the clones in there little area.

Keep the comments coming I appreciate the +rep and feedback!


Holy balls....I havenet made a post on here since early Feb!...Well since then I have given 3 of the 11 to d-r0ck so he could continue and then put the rest (8) in to flower in my box.......

I dont think I will have the same harvest on this run as last only because there is just too many plants in the bloom room right now to allow light to produce bigger buds. I will be going in tonight and cutting out the fans to prep for harvest coming up here in about 7-12 days. I am going to attach some pics right now of a few shots and then I will post again tonight or tomorrow with updated nug shots and my new babies that are in the last pics(little clones then).

So here are a few shots to hold over until tonight......



Trouble trouble trouble.....I need to move my air better......I just found 2 buds today that had about the size of a dime mold on them, both on the Super Silver Haze.....Never had bud rot and right away I still knew that was what it was(the lack of air movement, not the rot) so I moved my fan and all the girls are whipping in the wind now and I am looking at the plants every few hours when they wake up tomorrow. I might even sneak down in the morning and have a peek at the end of their day.

Other than those two, the harvest is looking bright! I cant wait to smoke the Sweet Island already has that well known skunk smell. It being my all time favorite, I will likely save it to myself and oust the wifey on this strain. However (I'm not a complete jerk) I do have mothers of all 4 strains and can run a straight SIS cycle if I wanted......we'll just have to see if the strain holds up.....and there is plenty of Silver so she'll be fine......

I took some pics of the box, for those readers who have followed, the box is now complete and fully operational. One smaller area for the clones with 24HR light (on a switch in case I need to shut it down), in the picture it has the white doors on it. One area below the Clones for my mothers and for any plants going in to veg(on timers @ 18-6 also with a light switch cutoff ICOE). And last but not least the Bloom room, a 48" wide by 48" tall by 30" deep area with mounted CFL lights in the top, a rollout tray bottom and newly installed cabinet like doors. In the picture you see the box with doors shut and then a black picture......thats how much light escapes from my box with the lights off!! This whole setup is individually switched so no matter what I need to do, I can cut power in any box.

One last note. I am now in week 8 and have 1 strain that is about done and 2 that are 2 weeks out.I have been flushing for 2 days and will be harvestnig per the times I just said. I'll have another post soon. Enjoy the pics.


