My cfl grow first ever indo gro


Well-Known Member
yeah.. i personally noticed alot of trich production on mine after adding molasses.. i mite give it one more dose of it and everything else before i start flushing it for harvest... that shit is in a week homie... i am so muh fuckin stoked bout that shit son... this is the way i look at a grow... stage 1: sprout.... stage 2: veg.... stage 3: flower... stage 4: harvest... stage 5:dry... stage 6: cure... stage 7: smoke yo shit nuccah!!!!! so i am little over about half way to the end of this process (imo at least)... time wise... i have definitely made it over the hump... i def. learned patience from this... so now it aint nothing but a thang... lol... my cola reminds me of 1 of your lollipop colas since my biggest fan leaves fell off the stem is more exposed... its whatever... i like it looking like this more anyways... it doesnt seem as big dude.. is moked them shits (fan leaves that fell off and dried)... they were harsh as fuck, but i got baked off of them.. wouldnt reccomend smoking them (they taste like firewood)... but they will give you a head chnage if you are outt of weed... which i was out at the time... keep it real and keep it alive... later


Well-Known Member
hahah yeah I've smoked fan leaves before its shitty. lol. I am however gunna dry n smoke the bud leaves that are covered in crystals I may even just not clip them off so they can wrap around the bud while drying and protect the bud. Who knows man I'll know what ta do when I gutta do it. hahah I almost decided to take a bud off yesterday but I saved my self with a 20 sack of some afgan lol. Last second too


Well-Known Member
damn dude.. you get afghan in 20 saks? if we get a 20 sack here, it is usually like 5.5 grams of schwag... a 20 sak of afghan here is less than a gram... yeah man... patience is a virtue... you wouldnt have even got stoned enough to make it worth the cut... i smoked one of my premie buds awhile back and it got me stoned, but like it could have if it would have matured (alot) more... about the trimming thing.. i am still wondering myself how i am gonna do mine... i had a dream last nite i trimmed them with finger nail clippers that had fingernail polish remover on them and it turned my plant into dust... good thing i can wake up from dreams... it was a panicky nite


Well-Known Member
hahah thats a fucked up dream man. lol
And dude that afgan I was like 2 hits in and I was completly ripped. The bag only lasted me that night cuz I threw the whole 20 bag in my ice bong lol. I got 1.2 for 20 not worst deal in the world just wish I didn't have to pay that much for good shit.


Well-Known Member
give it enough time and knowledge and nobody will buy weed again... i really see weed being like this one day... no drug dealers... if you want some... grow your own, ya know? that would be fucking awesome... or should i say will be awesome...


Well-Known Member
Only in a perfect world would we see tolerance to that degree til then we gutta rely on mexican cartells for the commersh. lol


Active Member
haha love it man , lookign decent. i think you should smoke 90% of it infront of you buddies, just to be a dick and proove them wrong


Well-Known Member
yeah... that would be funny, but all my friends are bums, and i am sure that they would not get off my nuts till i threw them some... i have only invited my closest homies over for thansgiving... they all know that if they bring any one extra, and they dont have extra dank, then bothh of them muh fuccahs gotta leave... rules are rules...


It sounds like a bitch but that shit looks funny ... Go spend a few bucks on your grow.... You get what u put in


Well-Known Member
It's all good tho my friends ain't bums they like to come over and smoke all their shit with me, far from stingy I'd say.

But yeah the whole point of this grow is I didn't wanna put shit for money into it. Next grow me and my buddy got a huge cabinet we cover in mylar and drilled some holes strategically in it. We plan to start off with 15-20 shwags seeds in it for now (depending on germination %). We plan to after that grow get some lowryder #2 seeds and prolly some sorta northern lights haven't really thought that through still thinking through my current grow and our shwag grow. I'm gunna put up a seperate journal for the cabinet grow mos def but pics won't be as frequent because its at my buddies house.

Anyways I'll have pics up later today if not most deffinitly in the morning.
Pce and thanks guys for keeping this journal alive lol. Haven't been around much because of my new work schedual (aka I actually have a job now lol)


Well-Known Member
congrats on the job... and yeah i agree... i didnt want to spend alot on my micro grow.... i didnt want to grow alot either that time around as well, so in my idealogy, i did what i wanted and got what i wanted... same thing goes for you... you do what you want, you get what you want (if you do what you want rite, at least)... well i will still follow your grow, being that mine is 80% complete now... maybe a lil more than 80... but you know what i mean... i still have to finish drying and curing, then i gots to smoke it... just waiting on more piks of your shit... peace and stay green...


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude I should be harvesting in roughly a week or so. Most my hairs are turning orange and shit I don't have a jewlers loop or any shit some I'm just gunna sorta guess alittle when it comes to harvest. I'm gunna let it go a few extra days after I think its done just in case.:mrgreen:

Ill have pics up when lights are on. Can't wait to see how it smokes dude:eyesmoke: it smells like a skunks ass hole dude and I wanna blaze it up now. I've stopped my self from pinching bud a couple times and I'm glad because its working out for the best.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah.. i feel ya on the pinching buds... it's if you dont have a jewelers loop, i can tell you this, the leaves will almost turn like a honey brown when they are amber... at least that is what mine did... check my thread... i got a hella mutated sprout... i hope to god its a female...


Well-Known Member
Well sorry bout no pics latley I'm just gunna post pics before harvest and after harvest. The little buds smell amazing I'm gunna harvest prematurely a bit because I'm starting not to have the time to take care of just that one knobbly plant. If it was more worth my while I wouldn't be aborting so early. Either way most the hairs on it are orange anyway so its close enough for me. lol