My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!


Well-Known Member
regular light cycle and use like 4oz cups,u will get like a 3g plant x lets say u do a dozen feminized and u will get 36g total


Well-Known Member
regular light cycle and use like 4oz cups,u will get like a 3g plant x lets say u do a dozen feminized and u will get 36g total
thanks!!! i have like id say 6-8oz cups, and would like to keep them no larger then 12in. so im starting with 2 plants. with a led, please dont start in on me. i also have a very hot room. so using the led lamp will keep the heat to a minimum. how many grams could i make with that? thanks for the help!:-P


Well-Known Member
thanks!!! i have like id say 6-8oz cups, and would like to keep them no larger then 12in. so im starting with 2 plants. with a led, please dont start in on me. i also have a very hot room. so using the led lamp will keep the heat to a minimum. how many grams could i make with that? thanks for the help!:-P

I dont know much about the leds, but from what Ive seen they look pants, maybe Im looking at the wrong ones. I doubt theyd grow more than 12 ins anyway under an LED? If they did, I would give them big pots but maybe top them to keep them shorter? That way youd get all the juicy side buds but loose the big one on top? Ive heard Lowryders dont top very well but if youre more concerned about space it might be the only option? Im just thinking if you restrict their root space to get a small plant youd probably not get much yield? Less so than just topping them? Mr west usually knows what hes talking about tho so listen to him, lol!


Well-Known Member
Looks good, how old is it? Is the big CFL blue? Just reds better when theyre past seedling. But it looks healthy, v nice!


Active Member
Just over a week now, when do you think i will need to start giving it nutrients? In a week or two? has any one yeilded an ounce or more from one of these ? REEFA


Active Member
That Big one is a 125 w envirolite which only half is working because it was damaged when it arrived :( i also have a 2ft flourecent tube which is red spectrum and a smaller blue flourecent tube


Well-Known Member
Id get a big red CFL, reds more important to the autos coz they start flowering so early. Depends what soil or stuff youre using, i use miracle grow which should last them for a good few weeks, then i use a bloom type fertiliser. I got an oz off one of the plants in this grow, why not have a read...


Well-Known Member
A good rule of thumb is to start fertilizing when the cotlydons have turned yellow (the first two leaves that sprout).

Course... if you were using root stimulator, I suppose you would use it from the beginning.


Well-Known Member
Its been great! I havnt finished drying G yet but A was about 1oz and C was about 3/4 oz (tho I took a few sneaky bits before weighing). Im thinking between a half and 3/4 off G but Ive took quite a bit off her (quick dried and smoked the top which was a fair nugget) so her total weight will be a bit under what she actualy yielded. I never thought id get up to an oz off each plant so its been a great result! I did leave most of the little frosty leaves on (not that many just its not pure bud) which i guess will help with the weight but theyre covered in crystally stuff so Im counting them in!

mr west

Well-Known Member
I did the very same with mine lol left the trim on . U must be stoked tho, great result QueenBee. I dont even bother trying to get a weight off my plants now, I just smoke it and see how long it lasts me lol


Well-Known Member
G is still waiting to dry and be weighed, but heres a pic of the bottom half of G before i chopped it all off. Ill get pics of all the finished bud up when G's dry. More than halfs gone already tho! Mmmm


Well-Known Member
Oh its genuine 70's if not earlier! Its pretty trippy when ur high, see things move out the corner of ur eye but its just the carpet! (I think/hope)