My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!


Active Member
that's awesome! great yeild :D

im thinking of going with CFLs now instead of an HPS tube for my closet... hmm. watch this space ^__^


Well-Known Member
I got G weighed finally last night and I got a good half (but I did take quite a bit from her before so Id say 3/4 would be a good estimate for her total yield). That would mean at least 2 1/2 oz off 3 plants. God Im getting thru it quick tho!

The pics are all the tubs of finished bud from A, C and G. Yummo



Well-Known Member
Exactly. And i have nothing better to do at the moment coz Im still jobhunting. Ive got it pretty good at the mo, I dont want a job! Ah well, Ill enjoy it while it lasts :D


Active Member
It looks like you have flat white walls, if so you might want to take down the foil, lot of time the foil is so crinkly it directs the light in the wrong directions and can create hot spots

mr west

Well-Known Member
im guessing what that guy has done is, he replyed with out reading the whole thread.
Jus call me sherlock :D


Well-Known Member
Theres pics of the finished bud just down there tho! Speaking of which, I thought Id put somepics of the bud up before I smoke it all! C seemed to be the most crystally.

Pics are A without flash x 2, A with flash, C without flash, C with flash, G without flash, G with flash.

The bud doesnt look as nice in the pics tho, the pistils seem to be showing up more and making it look dark and brown; its not its quite light coloured, crystally and lovely looking! I might be able to get some better pics before it all runs out but I cant promise anything! Also please note that this is not the total yield, Ive already smoked most of it; these pics are just for a better look at the good stuff!



Well-Known Member
I remember telling myself to check check back. Lucky I stumbled upon. I gotta look back and see progress.



Active Member
Theyve been smelling a bit now for a few weeks, they started off like tomato plant smell and became more and more weedy, now they just have a nice mix of each, nothing too strong... yet!

A is having some problems tho :( Some of her leaves are going brown and patchy. Hoping its some sort of defficency or pH problem and not a disease. Hopefully getting some stuff to help pH and some nutes etc soon...
I think you have overfertilize the plant ... it dosn`t look like defficency of pH:idea:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to necro this thread, but I started my LR2 grow about a week ago...Im in Ireland, am using CFL's (about 272watts Red in total) and am growing in a this journal was the business for me to read.

I literally spent about an hour reading it and looking at every photo...quality journal and educational as can be.

Looking forward to reading your other journals (only joined tonight!).
I read a lot of this thread and am I right in seeing you planted beginning of Aug and harvested Oct?

Also, how come you don't clone the plant instead of trying to get seeds?

Very nice finished product..Congrats!!!


just checked it out, epic grow ive got of them way to be on week eight hope they are like yours and ill be very happy :) good job!