My Cheesequake

Hey there fellow nerds, nerdets, and nerdlings(I fall into this catagory!), thought I would share my CQ progress with you and follow through till the finish. I got 1 female after a horrible start and she has been seriously kicking ass! I forgot to note when she was sprouted so I don't know exactly how many days of veg we have had, but I transplanted last week after she showed sex so I figure we are around 45 days +/-. Veg is in a Rubbermaid tub with 138W of cfl. Finishing cab. has a 400W hps.

She sits in Roots organic(I'm in the process of looking for a replacement soil) and super soil, about 1/3 SS in a 7gal smart pot. I have "semi" mainlined her after folllowing Nugbuckets threads and am happy so far, she's been nothin but a bush from the get go! I think I have a better handle on the mainline technique now and will be doing it again with the follow up CQ grow, yes I have more! She will be getting the flip at the end of the week and then the fun will begin! Thanks for coming in and checking it out, stick around a while and make yourselves comfortable.



Active Member
Yea I would say give it 10 days after you beat em up before you cqs don't stretch much at all so that little extra 3 days makes all the difference in your yield. Trust.

But it looks great good luck bro! I'll be watching this one
Thanks Ed. They were transplanted last weekend so they will have been repotted for 2 weeks at the flip, should work out nicely. How have yours been as far as feeding? My 2 went through 2gals. of Roots and were starting to show N deficiency right before the transplant and they were only in the 2 gals. for maybe 3 weeks. I'm hoping my SS ratio is about right too, time will tell. Peace.


Active Member
Thanks Ed. They were transplanted last weekend so they will have been repotted for 2 weeks at the flip, should work out nicely. How have yours been as far as feeding? My 2 went through 2gals. of Roots and were starting to show N deficiency right before the transplant and they were only in the 2 gals. for maybe 3 weeks. I'm hoping my SS ratio is about right too, time will tell. Peace.
They can take a good feeding bout 50% roots 50% ss in a five gal...when I'm vegging in the smaller pots 1-3 gal I use 3/4 ss, I find it makes for a jungle of roots by the time you transplant into your finishing pot...usually the first deficiency they show is cal/mg, never had a problem with N...if anything my mix has too much N for them (leaves are real dark and leathery almost)
Alright, so I had every intention of doing an actual journal for once, but things have gotten in the way and I have been slammed with work. I hardly even have time to check into the forums let alone do any posting. That being said, I have taken a few pics, but sadly I am in need of a little help.

Firstly, to recap, 7gal smart pot, Roots and Super Soil at about 30%, r/o water with cal/mag, 400w hps in a cabinet. Temps have been about 80 on the high end the last week or so due to it being 100+ here, no big deal.

Now, we are at day 36 of 12/12 now. I started to see some yellowing and signs of fade at about day 30 or so. I figured maybe the ss was running out of gas and I could have gone a touch stronger. So I decided to do a top dressing with a little ss to help fed a bit longer until she should start fading. I watered on Tues. and was dissapointed on the continued yellowing, but things seemed alright with the exception that she was showing slight signs of a little bit of nute burn (now has me second guessing that thought) on the upper leaves. I didn't have time and forgot to check in on her last night so I went in as soon as the light came on tonight. What the fugg?! What's with the spots on the leaves? Yellowing has accelerated and spead a bit along with the spotting(only on the yellowed leaves).

So what do you think has happened here? I welcome all thoughts and input. That being said, she smells great and is frosting up nicely! Just seems to be fading realy early and fast. I just finished drying a mystery plant I ran ahead of the C.Q. and that also faded early on me in the exact same set up, but with about 50% super soil and no spotting on the leaves. Hmmm....?



Well-Known Member
Alright, so I had every intention of doing an actual journal for once, but things have gotten in the way and I have been slammed with work. I hardly even have time to check into the forums let alone do any posting. That being said, I have taken a few pics, but sadly I am in need of a little help.

Firstly, to recap, 7gal smart pot, Roots and Super Soil at about 30%, r/o water with cal/mag, 400w hps in a cabinet. Temps have been about 80 on the high end the last week or so due to it being 100+ here, no big deal.

Now, we are at day 36 of 12/12 now. I started to see some yellowing and signs of fade at about day 30 or so. I figured maybe the ss was running out of gas and I could have gone a touch stronger. So I decided to do a top dressing with a little ss to help fed a bit longer until she should start fading. I watered on Tues. and was dissapointed on the continued yellowing, but things seemed alright with the exception that she was showing slight signs of a little bit of nute burn (now has me second guessing that thought) on the upper leaves. I didn't have time and forgot to check in on her last night so I went in as soon as the light came on tonight. What the fugg?! What's with the spots on the leaves? Yellowing has accelerated and spead a bit along with the spotting(only on the yellowed leaves).

So what do you think has happened here? I welcome all thoughts and input. That being said, she smells great and is frosting up nicely! Just seems to be fading realy early and fast. I just finished drying a mystery plant I ran ahead of the C.Q. and that also faded early on me in the exact same set up, but with about 50% super soil and no spotting on the leaves. Hmmm....?
shes fine bro, the spots are necrosis......totally natural....imho, you should hit her with a strong guano/kelp/bacteria tea, and maybe a little organic bloom formula....but bubble everything for 24 hours and ph it before giving it to her at about 1000 ppm/6.5 ph......juice her one big time.....she is asking for it.....a top dress will not do much at this point.......she is pretty bro, just a little hungry....good luck, nugs


Well-Known Member
I know that you are using R/O water, but what pH? If you are continuing to use some super soil top dressing and still getting yellowing, seems to be a pH nutrient lockout problem to me, although the super soil is fairly slow to break down when top dressed like that from my experience.

PS, I use 50% SS on bottom and my regular soil on top and my plants seem to start fading around 2-3 weeks from harvest. I sometimes up it to 60% on heavy feeding plants...not sure how finicky cheesequake is on nutrients, but seems to me she is a fairly heavy feeder from how you describe


Well-Known Member
I know that you are using R/O water, but what pH? If you are continuing to use some super soil top dressing and still getting yellowing, seems to be a pH nutrient lockout problem to me, although the super soil is fairly slow to break down when top dressed like that from my experience
i don't agree bro....she is WIDE open, full throttle, and feeding heavily....she is just a heavy feeder is all.....she looks awesome....just a little early....she is going to be lovely.....


Well-Known Member
i don't agree bro....she is WIDE open, full throttle, and feeding heavily....she is just a heavy feeder is all.....she looks awesome....just a little early....she is going to be lovely.....
O yea i definitely agree she looks lovely. Just think the plant would have started fading a week or even 2 weeks later if he used a 50SS/50 or even 60SS/40regular on soil. I'm not really used to heavy feeding plants...all mine seem to do really well in my 50/50 blend and dont fade out til i start flushing, which is usually 1.5-2weeks before harvest. But hell yea I think those tops are looking great ;) Good job OP and don't work too hard bro you gotta spend some times with the lovely ladies ;)


Well-Known Member
O yea i definitely agree she looks lovely. Just think the plant would have started fading a week or even 2 weeks later if he used a 50SS/50 or even 60SS/40regular on soil. I'm not really used to heavy feeding plants...all mine seem to do really well in my 50/50 blend and dont fade out til i start flushing. But hell yea I think those tops are looking great
;) Good job OP and don't work too hard bro you gotta spend some times with the lovely ladies ;)
totally brother!.....thats the beauty of water only super is a very acurate barometer of what a particular pheno needs for fuel...i also start all my new gear at 50%....too much for a few, perfect for most, but sometimes not nearly enough, like with my vortex....and apparenty mike's CQ!.......shes just saying..."yo, i am a fat bitch by nature, and i want to fucking eat!".......she looks dank....and imho, alot of heavy feeders are keepers! time he will amp it up, and crush this shit....:-P


Well-Known Member
i am learning so much about feeding with SS

now, when you transplant into SS, assuming you put a 2inch buffer of base soil, how many days does it take for the roots to hit the SS? do they typically just take off once the hit the beautiful rich soil?


Well-Known Member
You will definitely notice a difference once the plant does hit the SS. I start my seeds off in a 12oz solo cup normal unfertilized organic base potting soil, let em sprout and they stay in the solo cup usually 10-14 days. After that, I skip the smaller pots and just transplant right into a 5 gallon pot with 50SS/50 regular. Now my buffer is about 4" or so, but within about 5 days I swear you will see them literally explode with vegg growth. You will definitely know when the roots have started pulling in SS nutes, because they are gonna grow noticeably each day and you should see nothing but lush green growth with no hints of defiencies if you pH the water you use.


Well-Known Member
i just purchased a tallboy with carbon filter...reduce the chlorine and chloramine...i will be phing to 6.5? this right huh?

anyways, i am very excited


Well-Known Member
So mike what do you plan on growing next bro? Cheesequake again or you gonna branch out and experiment with some different strains? I'm trying to figure out what gear i want to run next, lol but threads like these keep making me add varieties to my next-to-grow list.... :\

And budman are you referring to a Chlorine snatcher add on to an R/O machine? Yes I pH my water to 6.5 most of the time...don't have an R/O machine tho i just leave my water out in big 15gallon buckets for 48 hours.


Well-Known Member
i am learning so much about feeding with SS

now, when you transplant into SS, assuming you put a 2inch buffer of base soil, how many days does it take for the roots to hit the SS? do they typically just take off once the hit the beautiful rich soil?
brah, one of the very best things about the switch to super soil is the "blast off"! me bro, if you made your SS a week or two, you are going to be like "wtf!" this is amazing! will be looking for people to show it to because it is maximum potential you have never seen before!....and at that moment, you will find yourself changed internally as a grower, and you will feel a peace set will here your plants talking to you, and thanking you, you will begin your journey....sounds hokey....but bro, your life is about to change for the better....and i know you can feel it!.........good vibes, nugs


Well-Known Member
Yea your buds will really show their gratitude for using Super soil in a bountiful, heavenly smelling and tasting harvest. I can't get over how much more flavor and aroma buds seem to have when using SS compared to throwing a lot of bottled nutrients on em. And hell, you can see from nug's Lab that if you do things right, you can get PLENTY bud doing things the SuperSoil way. Hydro isn't the only way to go if you want big fat buds, you can still have that with all the flavor and taste :)


Well-Known Member
this is what i used:
2 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil. I used FFOF and FF Happy Frog bc that is what I have access to (i.e., your base soil)
6.25 to 12.5 lbs of organic worm castings
20 ounces steamed bone meal
20 ounces bloom bat guano
20 ounces blood meal
5 ounces of kelp meal
10 ounces of alfalfa meal
3/4 lbs rock phosphate
3/16 cup or 3 tablespoons Epsom Salts
1/8 cup or 2 tablespoons sweet lime (dolomite)
1/8 cup or 2 tablespoons azomite (trace elements)
1.5 teaspoons powdered humic acid
7 tablespoons of Roots Oregonism

i was only able to cook it 5 weeks....

it was literally the perfect amount for 9 5gall geopots....there is maybe 1.5 galls left over i will prolly use if i need to topdress