My clones are flowering!

MMJ Mademoiselle

Active Member
I am very new to this and I recently got a hold of some clones that began flowering after a few days of having them. They were on 24 hours of light and I kept them on that same light cycle for now. Haven't changed a thing. Is there any other factor that allows plants to begin flowering other than their light cycle? Thanks!:P

Fluff Up

Well-Known Member
any chance some one cloned auto's? I've read that can get a bit funky and do that
if not post pics and it'll help

sno capz

Well-Known Member
Auto strain is all I can think of... Let her grow and sit back to enjoy the benefits at harvest


Well-Known Member
I've had plants in veg show gender after being switched to 24/0 for a string of cold nights in my basement.

They didn't bulk until the 12/12 flip tho.

The autos I've done show pistils way before they have clonable shoots. Of course I reserve the right to be wrong!


Well-Known Member
I am very new to this and I recently got a hold of some clones that began flowering after a few days of having them. They were on 24 hours of light and I kept them on that same light cycle for now. Haven't changed a thing. Is there any other factor that allows plants to begin flowering other than their light cycle? Thanks!:P
Flower of preflower?


Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering who's passing off clones from an auto? They kick over into flower on a pretty set schedule. Cloning them is pointless.


Well-Known Member
I can tell you what will happen as I went through this too not long ago. She will turn into a beast caught up in between flowering and vegging. The leaves will dwindle down to 3's then singles. Then the serrations disappear and the leaves are smooth. It stops branching but keeps growing. The stem and existing branches become so thick with leaves it's just the damnedest thing they get so thick. She will eventually revert and begin with 3's then 5's and become something resembling a pot plant. Mine lived for 6 months outside in a hella areated bucket but a ph issue did her in. BTW I was chastised on here for cloning a flowering plant so take the experience and be cool


Well-Known Member
Oops ignore the above. I didn't fully understand what you were asking. Btw it is the infamous auto you hold