My Compost Grow


Well-Known Member
Very nice 420!

Beautiful girls bro.

Have you given any thing else besides epsoms and molasses for this grow?And was your mix all compost and perlite?(lime to)

Mad props to you.


Well-Known Member
Very nice 420!

Beautiful girls bro.

Have you given any thing else besides epsoms and molasses for this grow?And was your mix all compost and perlite?(lime to)

Mad props to you.
Thank you, and I do only add epsom salt and molasses. With every new grow I've been trying out different ratios of perlite to compost and I'm finding I can go with a small percentage of compost. My last grow was cut with around 30% perlite and this round was cut with 50% and I've seen a nice improvement. The Cali Hash was planted in a 20% compost/ 80% perlite mix and it's doing extremely well despite it being in such a small pot.

I'm still learning and playing around with every new grow, I'm sure things will improve even more over time.


Active Member
Why not try a plant with the bottom 1/4 of the pot filled with 50/50 compost perlite, and the other 3/4 with 20/80. Let it grow into the good stuff. Just an idea :P


Well-Known Member
Decided to transplant the Cali Hash now that she's gotten so big. I had a 4gal pot left over from an apple tree I picked up for the garden so I threw it in that.


Active Member
420, thought I would stop by and mention how well my compost pile is doing. This thread inspired me and I cant wait till I get to use my compost for my future grows. I have also started paying more attention to recycling. So thanks a ton, love the thread!


Hey great thread 420, very informative. I just got into gardening myself this year (vegetable that is, bud is in the works). I'm using the sq ft method with 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 verm, and 1/3 composted manure. I've never seen tomatoes plants grow like this! To sum this up, I was wondering about growing my bud with a more organic method, not all the ferts etc, and you've answered my question. Well done sir, and nice buds!


Well-Known Member
I picked up some hydrogen peroxide to add to the waterings on the Cali Hash, I want to see if it makes a noticeable difference and worth continuing to use.


Well-Known Member
I picked up some hydrogen peroxide to add to the waterings on the Cali Hash, I want to see if it makes a noticeable difference and worth continuing to use.
doesnt h2o2 kill all bad and good bacteria though? if your all organic you might want to 2nd that use of it. im not positive but i think it kills good things in the soil as well


Well-Known Member
doesnt h2o2 kill all bad and good bacteria though? if your all organic you might want to 2nd that use of it. im not positive but i think it kills good things in the soil as well
Most of the reading I've done says it should be beneficial to the plants and soil. I've also found that H202 forms naturally in rain water passing through the atmosphere.

Here's a nice little article on using it. ~~~>

If I see it taking any negative affect I'll stop using immediately and report my findings.

I'm hoping to see some slight improvement.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Not much longer now and I'll be ready to harvest the White Castle, the White Widow Should be right after that. Buds are still swelling and putting on weight and the branches are even having trouble supporting some of the buds. I've had a few sample buds and the smoke is just amazing, very smooth.



Well-Known Member
wow still a long way huh? WW's a bitch that way I am seeing. Smoke must be worth it though. How much to go you think?


Well-Known Member
wow still a long way huh? WW's a bitch that way I am seeing. Smoke must be worth it though. How much to go you think?
I'm thinking the White Castle will be finishing up just after 12 weeks and the White Widow probably sometime after 14 weeks.