my cousin took up rapping, lmao.


New Member
lol, im thinkin bout buying him 2-3 days studio time, whatcha think?

im trying to see if hes worthy enough for that, because if he gets famous, im getting a mill.

he has another song on his youtube.


New Member

so i shouldnt waste my money on him? hes 16.

i figred it to be around 300 bucks for like 2 days and let him and his friend run in there and record like a song or two and if i thinks its tha shit try and get radio play, so i dont want to waste that much (weed money) on him, if it wont get no where lol. he has a few peeps round here who like it, not many but a few.


Well-Known Member
i'm not saying he's "good" but the quality is terrible. idk what kind of financial status ur at. but if 300 bucks isnt that much to you then you might as well. never know man. somebody's gota make it big, ya know?. make a few tracks, try to get it on the FM and try to send it to this site. they take tracks from "up and coming" artists. look under annoucements on the home page for details. (feel like a promoter lol)


New Member
yea, but im wondering if everyone else feels i should spend my pocket money on him for soundcell recording studio!
thanks for input, i jsut dont want to waste my money, if i know it wont get anywhere and im not in a financial crisis, nor do i rap or make music in any way.

if i did, i'd do it good, i'd have an actual studio with a booth and everything, im thinkin bout givin him a chance, if it dont work he will be paying me back this is his christmas present, he sounded so excited when i told him i MIGHT. lol.

would i have to be tha one to send it to tha site? hes only 16....

and thanks man, like i said if he makes it, ima have hella grow goin on! i will support him all thaway, cuz family, ya know?


New Member

dont bash him to bad, hes only sixteen and jsut started rapping like a month ago!
lol, but i think ima go for it, shit its not that much money, he makes it or he dont...

thanks for tha input, though all is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Dudes got the humpty dumpty kind of rapping style.
Unless he can learn to rap differently and make a different sound then I'm sorry to say but ain't no one going to listen to him.

That humpty dumpty shit sounds ok if you make one song but I can almost guarantee you his other songs sound exactly the same and they could all go to the same beats.......

am I wrong?


New Member
shit, i dont know, lol....i get what yer saying but i only heard two of his songs, thats all he gots (i think) but ima do thsi for him anyways.
its a early x-mas present, he got happy when i told him i might pay for a little bit of studio time.

so ima do it and i dont really care if he goes anywhere with it or jsut says fuck it,

thanks for tha input, when he gets home from school ima call him up and tell him to come over and let him read these posts, maybe it'll persuade him to change it.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Buy him a banjo. Then hook him up with some Kanye West and Porter Wagner cd's.
He can do some Wagons West fusion rap or some shit.
You know, mix it up a bit.

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
Buy him the studio time. Worse-case senario, it gets him nowhere but he'll remember you buying him the studio time for a while. I mean how many people get to record in a studio?


New Member
shit, i feel ya, makes me want to TRY and lay down a track of some sorts, jsut to say i did, lol.

but im just not tha musician type...
ima do it, probably saturday, ima call soundcell recording studios, and setup something...

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
shit, i feel ya, makes me want to TRY and lay down a track of some sorts, jsut to say i did, lol.

but im just not tha musician type...
ima do it, probably saturday, ima call soundcell recording studios, and setup something...
Cool, I'm not a musical type either. I love listening to music but as far as musical ability, it ends at the listening part.......:lol: