my cream carmels arrived today :)


New Member
hi so my 4 cream carmels arrived from attitude to me in tenessee today. whiuch light is best for cream carmel and where do I get it at? also is cream carmel maybe to make an ounce in each ? thanks doritos :clap:


New Member
I was told by member here I forgot that this was a ok beginner seed available to me so I did that advice and some other member said this is the worst seed here but I think he was trolling me or somethiung


New Member
I think if I can get some cfl lights at the local place for $4.99 they are 24watt 125watt equivelant to normal or something very powerful, and I could have one per plant or possibly two at maximum per plant because 8 x 4.99 is about 40dollatrs and I need to buy nutrients also


Active Member
It sounds like you have a lot of reading a research to do. I cannot comment on the seeds. As far as lighting goes, it depends on the amount of space you have to work with, the amount of money you are willing to spend, and just your personal preference. If you want to be cheap and produce less heat, CFL is the way to go. You will want 5500k-6500k color for veg and 2600k for flowering. The equivalent wattage is also not a value to look at. Only the real wattage is what matters.


New Member
ok thanks now this is a great and quick response:) I will buy the cfls and I will ask for this numbers for the vegging time. how many is enough lights?


Active Member
Im not exactly sure on how much you want to run... how many plants will you have? You can also get away with running less while theyre seedlings. I am currently doing 2 plants in a box. Both are seedlings at the moment (1 baby broke ground yesterday and 1 a few days before that). I am using 4 23W 5500k CFL's from home depot. Once they get a little bigger, I will be adding 4 40W 6500k CFL's as well. Once they get too big for the box (I set it up with the intention of growing only 1 plant), I will be moving one out and maybe building a new rig for it or something. But I will keep those 8 CFl's in that box for a single plant and I think that should be enough.

If other people's advice is different, they are likely right, as I am also a first time grower, but I believe my setup is fine. So hopefully that gives you something to go off of.


New Member
thanks I respet you and I hope that you have the best grow, I really like you and thanks for helping me :)


Active Member
Sure thing, this is a great place to get help. Just make sure to try to research some of the topics and to check if they have been recently discussed, and if you still need to ask, go right ahead. I have had people reply pretty quickly to some questions that might be plain nooby. So far I am enjoying this community. Best of luck to you!


Well-Known Member
ok thanks now this is a great and quick response:) I will buy the cfls and I will ask for this numbers for the vegging time. how many is enough lights?
Check my thread from last Winter.
It was my first indoor posting/ attempt, and I did one bagseed, vegged 30 days, LST'ed and got 2 3/4 oz. dried and cured.