My dad is kicking me out help ?

I missed the deadline to enroll already
...There is no deadline to enroll in a community college. You enroll whenever you want. If you missed the start of classes (you probably did, but that's OK...) you just start when the next term begins (Probably January.) You can enroll now, then when it comes time (a few weeks before classes start), you can talk to an advisor (or do it yourself if you're feelin' frisky) and sign up for the classes for the upcoming term.
This probably has more to do with your folks having a shitty relationship. Just tell mom to remind him that she gets half of everything hes got. Including the house.

I am suprised you haven't heard "when your 18 your out" since you were an adolescent.

Heres some solid advice:

-go to a college close to you.
-ask for disabled student services and talk to them.
-you must be able to show you have a disability. (shouldn't be difficult)
-Also check this site or ones similar to it. (google is a friend)

You can also
when asked to leave refuse under the grounds you have a disability and that is your home. Cops cannot remove you if you are disabled.

You should realize that not all people do well having a disabled child. Often times is rips families apart. Its not your fault, but the resulting stress on a marriage and the physical manifestations of aspergers are seriously tough to deal with. Try to be positive and also take advantage of all assistance available to you. State welfare might even be able to help with some initial job education.

Distance may improve your family relations and with less stress like that in the environment your condition should be more bearable. Im sure weed helps some.
oh fuck

yeah my step dad hated my guts

alright well like someone on here said get some money saved up with your mom and move out

maybe get social security for a while until you can find a place that will hire you

fuck man try Walmart or mcy dees i mean you NEED a job if he kicks you out

karma bites and your dad will get whats coming for him

just find some solid source of money if anything start growing and sell
Funny thing is I tried Walmart and McDonalds both unsucessful
So today my dad said he was going to kick me out but my mom doesn't want me to go im 18 so he said he's gonna kick me and my mom out why is this well according to him it's because I don't have a job or go to college he thought all this was because I smoked weed so he restricted me from weed anyway I've been sober for 28 days now and it's just gotten worst I've tried to get many jobs I've had 6 interviews and because I have aspergers syndrome I get very nervous and have problems with interviews and they become very awkward I went to job corps a month ago but got kicked out in the first 4 days for fighting so now I'm stuck any advice ? I also just want to know who's in the wrong me or him all I do is sit in my room and mind my own business I never say anything to him

Sounds like he's giving you some "help" to me.

If you were 18 in my house, you'd be paying rent, or you'd get thrown the fuck out.

Time to grow up, get off your moms tit, and get the fuck out of the house and find your own g'damn place to live.

Find room mates to share rent until you can do it on your own.
...There is no deadline to enroll in a community college. You enroll whenever you want. If you missed the start of classes (you probably did, but that's OK...) you just start when the next term begins (Probably January.) You can enroll now, then when it comes time (a few weeks before classes start), you can talk to an advisor (or do it yourself if you're feelin' frisky) and sign up for the classes for the upcoming term.
Not in Texas man it does not work like that out here you miss the deadline out here its " good luck in a year "
not true. I know A LOT about college admissions. You need to do what I told you. State and federal schools are REQUIRED to offer help to disabled students. This include waiving certain things as needed to make entry possible. You need to do more foot work.
fuck there equal opportunity employers

Honestly... if he has aspergers in a bad way... It would make getting most employment difficult. Anger, is usually the biggest problem as well as working well with others. (Thats from an employer stand point)

His problem is no doubt NOT a laughing matter. Thats why I recommend seeking assistance asap. Its the only way.
Well at 18 you are an adult I dont know much about the disabled part. It sounds more like your pops wants some help with bills and is tired of carrying all the weight by himself or just want you to be more responsible now that you are an adult instead of wasting your days in your room staring at 4 walls.

I would definitely look into school that will be a great step and dont be discouraged keep filling out applications and such I know some places like lowes, home depot etc hire disabled people for bonuses.
Not in Texas man it does not work like that out here you miss the deadline out here its " good luck in a year "
I just enrolled in Northwest Vista College. After googling Texas Community Colleges. I hope you're happy. Now i'm gonna get a ton of shit in the mail from a community college in Texas. But since I've checked, I can assure you with absolute certainty, you can enroll. Right now. I mean it doesn't have to be THAT college, I obviously have no idea what part of Texas you're from and odds are this one isn't anywhere near your current location but it does mean there is no difference in Texas Community Colleges and the Community Colleges anywhere else in the US. Which is what I suspected.
Listen up kid, you've gotten good advice here; yet , you wish to feel sorry for yourself and declare that nothing will work. Horseshit. If you are truly disabled then you can prove it to Social Services and they can put the brakes on Dad. That gives you breathing room and dad on the radar. As was mentioned, if he fucks with mom then she gets half, and likly the house. Don't threaten dad, just go to SS tmo and start the ball rolling
you're 18 this was going to happen eventually.

other people said it, call the state and get support. My bro has ADD and dyslexia. State of TX helped him get a job.

learn a trade. You can have a legit career in less than a year. Later you can decide if college is for you.

DON'T take on a bunch of school debt for a basket weaving degree. College does not equal a job. And certainly not in 4 years.

man up
good luck
Single malt is right, youre lucky to live in a country with half decent ss. Though be honest a bit of hard times is good on the old chakra, get a physical job see if you cant hack it til you save some money to get a wee place and hopefully get a better job as you build skills experience and confidence.