My dad is kicking me out help ?

You're from Texas so I assume you know about the western grip hand job. I'm sure you could give 10 of these a day for $20 a pop and that's $200 a day. $200 a day for 5 days a weak adds up to $52k a year. That's not bad for a first time job.
and that's not including a tip for eye contact...
You guys don't understand my dad does not like me it goes farther than just having a job and all that other stuff I am a burden on him I don't have a good relationship with him I never talk to him he does not like me I can't just go to college
Dude, from the time I had my own idea about what I wanted from life- my dad had a problem with me. Any time I got outa line id get knocked about proper, from the age of 11 until about 14/15 when I could properly stand my ground. He didn't like the idea of being hit back apparently, cowards eh? When I was caught with a bong at early 14 he literally kicked the shit out of me, bloodied my nose and then at the end of the ordeal sat me up with my bong and took a and took a photo for 'prosperity'. once I was old enough it was made clear he considered me burden.
Anyhow, as soon as I was 16 I wanted to move out but because of my long suffering mum, I stayed until 18. I used university as my 'out' and within a few months I'd jacked and was busy growing and dealing.
I got my own place, the pure fuckin joy of having your own key to your own door is something you will appreciate immensely.
I got a job, had many of them and didn't care what I did as long as I has my own shit together.
The point is that you could dwell on how shit you got it and feel sorry for yourself or you could use it and become the master of your own destiny.
rent is a waste of money you will never get any of it back its a scam all you are doing is paying off someone elses mortgage
Meh. Yes and no. Not everyone WANTS to own a home. People who travel a lot, for instance, might not have a use for owning a home. Older people who have children who have moved out and can no longer take care of their houses might not want to own a home. For truly poor people, a mortgage can be just as expensive as rent, except it comes with the constant burden of impending foreclosure which is devastating to a person's credit, and then to top it off if something goes really wrong in their house, they're responsible for fixing it themselves. If you own a home and your refrigerator stops working, or your heat goes out, or a pipe bursts, you can't just call a landlord and they fix it - you have to pay to have that fixed yourself, and if you can't,'re S.O.L. A landlord would have to make sure the tenants always had running water, electricity, and heat. So, there's a certain safety net to renting.
my name is known i get down on the microphone ill run up in your home take everything you own
Hm. Are you a termite? A mouse maybe? God forbid a cockroach. I'd have to kill you if you were a cockroach. Someone else will kill you for me if you're a termite. A mouse, i'd just put you outside. Cute little diseased critters.
cockroach is a sacred insect they have been around for a very long time they outlive everything!!!!!
Man I haven't seen a cockroach since I was like...7 years old living in the projects (I lived there. No lie.) I *thought* I saw one a few months ago and completely had a meltdown killing this bug. Which turned out to not be a cockroach anyway. Cockroaches and centipedes. Ugh. Any other insect I will just pick up and put outside. Cockroaches and centipedes I will hastily murder.
cockroach and silverfish are sacred they have been around for a very long time much longer than humans you have to respect them and let them live because they will outlive humans so you have to learn from them
cockroach and silverfish are sacred they have been around for a very long time much longer than humans you have to respect them and let them live because they will outlive humans so you have to learn from them
I have learned from them. I have learned to properly tie up bags of bread. I have learned to put leftover food in sealed containers. And I have learned how to kill cockroaches.
You didn't even tell me if I got your riddle right. Oh shit. I have to wait 17 more seconds. Now I have to wait 13 more.