My dads plants have aphids, I think. Please help!


New Member
My dads plants are outdoor grow, he’s a rookie and doesn’t know how to use technology so I try to help him as much as possible. He asked me to ask you guys if there’s any resolution to this. There appears to be aphids and they are in the flowering stage. What can we do? Not on all plants, just a couple started.


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My dads plants are outdoor grow, he’s a rookie and doesn’t know how to use technology so I try to help him as much as possible. He asked me to ask you guys if there’s any resolution to this. There appears to be aphids and they are in the flowering stage. What can we do? Not on all plants, just a couple started.
Outdoors I would order a ton of live ladybugs. Put a mosquito net over the plants and unleash the ladybugs inside. They feed on aphids.
Definitely aphids like the other members said. I used aerosol pyrethrin and had good results. There's a Raid Max at walmart that's pyrethrin.
You have black spots on the leaves in the first pic. Do a search on here for that.
Lmao I had a small aphid problem on my first grow. I was growing out a closet with poor temp/humidity control. I went outside found about 10 daddy long legs and let them loose in the grow closet. Eventually the aphid problem went away, no idea If it was cause of the spiders, but I like to think so. When it was time to harvest I did not find any of the daddy long legs, I assume they are living happily somewhere in my house though.