My Dealer got busted last week - what should I do? I got plants growing!


Well-Known Member
I think you are safe. Considering he was caught in a routine traffic stop for drug possession it is highly unlikely they would even give him a plea bargain incentive. And if they did, it would be one in which he wears a wire and goes to purchase drugs. Since he will not be purchasing from you, you can not be busted. Do not talk to him about anything regarding weed.

In fact, if he asks you about it, be like "wtf are you talking about, I have no idea". This is very important. If he is a nark the cops will have to listen to you say something suspicious via wire tap, so don't say anything around this guy!

He is the big dealer. If it were, cocaina, or heroyn, they might try to plea bargain him to find the source, but when it comes to chronic the source is way too hard to bust. Can't put gaia in shackles knowhatimean.
using "routine traffic stops " is a ploy to scoot around the law. lets say a qp is in his car, who doesnt carry a qp in the trunk?

shut it down better safe then sorry


talk to him and read him and decide for yourself
I don't think you should worry too much about your situation. I think you are way too far down the chain for them to waste money and resources over. Since the other guy is a dealer, he will only be useful to cops if and when he gives up information about someone higher than him. The food chain works upward, not downward so I think u are ok.


Active Member
they do not want you, you should be good usually in a traffic stop thats when cops get lucky cuz they search regardless just by profiling (age,gender,race,clothes,car) got caught slippin and caught a charge. Most likely its a misdemeandor not a felony meaning its just possesion and they wont have no big ass investigation, just turn into some paper work and be forgotten until u get caught up again and use it against u


Well-Known Member
well it sounds like your realluy flippin out over this.. if you got someone else to stah your plants for a while that might be the best advice i have, otherwise trash the whole setup and lose everything.. :| also depending on how good of friend this "dealer" is and/or willing to rat out others to save his own pathetic ass might wanna watch yourself for a few years..


Active Member
they do not want you, you should be good usually in a traffic stop thats when cops get lucky cuz they search regardless just by profiling (age,gender,race,clothes,car) got caught slippin and caught a charge. Most likely its a misdemeandor not a felony meaning its just possesion and they wont have no big ass investigation, just turn into some paper work and be forgotten until u get caught up again and use it against u

He said he was charged with a felony.


Well-Known Member
Like ronjohn said, if you get rid of the weed then the rest is legal. but get it all....where I live cultivation of "any amount" is illegal, so if you have ,say, clay pellets and leave a piece of root in there then thats enough for 5-30 years. I can tell you that there is just no way to know in advance who is going to snitch. People u think will roll over don't, and those you think will stay strong for sure fold like they're made of cardboard.
In my opinion, you're security has been compromised by someone who now has an incentive to snitch. Remember what Robert DeNiro said in heat, "Don't get into anything that you can't walk away from the second you feel the heat coming around the corner". Thats good advice. I mean, this dealer now has three options, beat the charge, do the time, or "cooperate". And when people snitch, they often snitch on everybody.
As painful as it would be, I would shitcan the plants. If you have a reusable medium make sure you sift it real well, because the cops will.
And if they come for you, they will almost certainly not use sirens.


Well-Known Member
toker do this...go to the NORML website and check the penalty for distribution in your state. Then at least know how much time hes facing. Of course, that doesn't always help. Some people will roll on their own mothers to avoid 30 days, even people who have done years inside. Fuckin snitches. People need to learn to keep their mouths shut and do their time. Like this dealer, someone probably snitched on him, avoid a simple possesion charge.


Active Member
toker do this...go to the NORML website and check the penalty for distribution in your state. Then at least know how much time hes facing. Of course, that doesn't always help. Some people will roll on their own mothers to avoid 30 days, even people who have done years inside. Fuckin snitches. People need to learn to keep their mouths shut and do their time. Like this dealer, someone probably snitched on him, avoid a simple possesion charge.
I told him I would help get him a lawyer, when I find one do you think I will get him to tell me if he rolled over on anyone? He only seen two sickly plants and a lot of veggies/starter trays I am going to plant. He never seen my grow room, and doesn't know how I am set up. I made it look like I knew nothing about weed, and was asking him questions, that he didn't know. If they come for me I know where it came from, I want to be ready just in case, Is it true they can't search your house if you tell them you want your lawyer there? I want to call a lawyer and have him aware that I may need his/her services in the future, is that a mistake?


Well-Known Member
If he is going to snitch on you he isn't going to tell you, and neither will his lawyer, even if you are paying him. My advice is to save your money for your own lawyer, should you need one. If you do get busted, don't scrimp on legal fees. Scrape and Scrounge every dime you can, and get the best lawyer you can afford. When I was in prison I would often meet two people with identicle cases, but one had 3 years and the other had 15; the difference was invariably a paid lawyer vs a public defender. If they have a warrant they can search your house, even if nobody is there. In many states the testimony of a confidential informant is enough to get a warrant. They can't question you without a lawyer, but only if you say you don't want to be questioned without one. Contacting a lawyer right now is an excellent idea. He may give you some free legal advice, but he'll want to be paid before he actually does any work. Whether you hire him or not, he will tell you to get rid of the plants, since a lawyer can't advise you to engage in an illicit enterprise.


Well-Known Member
Bad idea because he can be an informant and have you raided, Watch the show DEA you will learn how easy a guy who plays the tough guy role will give up a name faster than a speeding bullet.


someone snitched on me because I wouldn't sell him oz for $200 a piece. how do you think that played out? I have 0 drug related charges on my record.


Well-Known Member

I watched this whole video, even though I have no plans to grow outdoor. Some of the suggestions are a little inconvenient, but they sound very safe. There is a section about not letting police into your house that you'll want to pay particular attention to.

He also has another video which I couldn't find whole (it's in my netflix queue, so I can't recommend specific parts at this point, but I think it has sections about avoiding getting popped in traffic stops). It's called Never Get Busted Again (it's actually his first video, this is the second one).

I think this is the whole movie in clips. I'm about to watch it now.


Well-Known Member
yea probably they wont give u shit anyways ur growing for ur self purpose cause ur in so much pain but i knw wat u mean when i was growing i was always paranoid but u shouldnt worry by the way wat state r u in and is weed leagal there for medical use?


first off if you buy off him like an ounce I wouldn't be to worried. They are trying to move up the chain not down it. The only way you would get busted is if her used you as a flip. Did you bail him out? Did he pay bail to get out? ( if you don't pay bail for a drug case then you have agreed to try and flip someone ) ( sorry narcs and rats ) Has he seen you plants? If he has not seen them and they run a dog around your house and noting perks the dog then you should be all set. This is only advice . . .

Oh and is it your city cops?
Yeah a oz. aint shit bro. i trap like 3 zones, which stil aint much at all man. honestly it aint. Their gonan move up the ladder not at the bottom
1 - calm down. If your freaking out its a nother way to draw attention to your self meening your heating your self out.
2 - if your woried about your grow try to take clones and find a realy good place to hid them in the bush or w/e and if worst comes to works and you had to destroy your crop then at least you have a chance with the clones you took and put outside.
3 - Depending on how well you know him and if you hang out or not even if he's your dealer if he doesn't rat you out or any thing then you'll have an idea how true he is to you.
4 - If you were selling here and there you should always find a place off the property and hid the bit of extra money you make out side in a safe place so if some thing happened then if your stach is still here then you'll have some thing to fall back on.
5 - If your dealer hooked you up with weed with seeds and he knew it then there's a bit of a smaller chance of him ratting you out or you ratting any one out cuz if you or someone rats a nother person out you can and proibly will be bringing cops into your life and could heat your self out.


Active Member
yea probably they wont give u shit anyways ur growing for ur self purpose cause ur in so much pain but i knw wat u mean when i was growing i was always paranoid but u shouldnt worry by the way wat state r u in and is weed leagal there for medical use?

Eastern Panhandle WV - Not leagal here --- But I do self medicate, the only thing that works!!!! I don't drink or any other drug just mj. Trying to head to TN, I know that state is even worse.