My Discreat grow op


Active Member
Hey guys,this is my first time EVER trying to grow,i have smoked alot,but never grown.PLEASE let me know any adivce you may have/what to change.THANKS

I am really concerned about the lights,the ventialtion,i curently have a 6" fan in these,and two of the older style bulbs so they produce alot more then the new energy efficent ones,i have a hole in the back,a hole in the bottom for ventialtion,but is that enoph or should i get another fan for the exhaust??thanks and have a good 1

Updated pictures!!!!!! please leave your advice and comments now!!! thanks all

photo 1.JPGphoto 2.JPGphoto 3.JPGphoto 5.JPG


Active Member
Ditch those bulbs and tinfoil asap =) Those bulbs produce way to much heat and not effective to grow....go with the CFL's and get lots more of them! If you can paint inside a flat white or maybe get some mylar and make some panels that fit in that box that would be easy to put in and/or take out. Also make sure to remove all smelly old sox :) You may need an additional fan or two. Have one sucking in cool air from bottom and another one pushing hot air out the back towards the top. Have another one in the cabinet blowing directly on plants. Later on you will need to think about controlling odor maybe a DIY carbon filter setup and a way to make sure no light penetrates inside during flower. Learn about LST and scrog to keep plants shorter and bushier. You need those CFLs real close 1-2" from the plants and all around then. As your plants grow you can add more lights. Do you know your current temps now inside that box? I assume high with those bulbs. Look online here for cabinet grows and micro grows to give you some ideas! Not a bad little space for a cabinet grow. Good luck!


Active Member
UMMMM You don't want to use incandescent bulbs!
The way it looks now.......well looks like a fire hazard to me!
You want CFL bulbs get the tin foil out of there (not going to help.)
Mount the power strip above the plants or at least above where water wont splash or run out of pot to it.
Same with the fans get them up out of the way of possible water splashing or running out of pots.


damn buddy u should ditch the whole op before you set your house on fire, spend the next couple of weeks on the forums reading on the basics of growing and try again


Active Member
hey guys,thanks for the advice,im currently working on getting new bulbs and a fan,since you do not reccomend me having the tin foil in there(i thought it was good) what do you recomend for the sides?put up white brisal board?and i was thinking mabee afghan kush ryder,because its a shorter plant,i have about 90cm in there to grow,would fish tank blue led lights work?i have 4 strips of those


the way you have it set up now it reminds me of a rotisserie chicken oven, you should try hanging a chicken leg in there


Active Member
damn buddy u should ditch the whole op before you set your house on fire, spend the next couple of weeks on the forums reading on the basics of growing and try again
tommorow i will rip everything out,do something with the sides,get all new bulbs,basically redo everything there,thanks for the advice every1,ill upload a new pic tommorow...def dont wana catch my house on fire


hey guys,thanks for the advice,im currently working on getting new bulbs and a fan,since you do not reccomend me having the tin foil in there(i thought it was good) what do you recomend for the sides?put up white brisal board?and i was thinking mabee afghan kush ryder,because its a shorter plant,i have about 90cm in there to grow,would fish tank blue led lights work?i have 4 strips of those
aquarium lights will work


Well-Known Member
You could steal some ideas from this [FONT=.HelveticaNeueUI][/FONT][FONT=.HelveticaNeueUI]

[FONT=.HelveticaNeueUI]One thing is get a timer, even if you grow autos, I wish I could come over and set it up for you. Good luck man you'll get it down [/FONT]


Active Member
You could steal some ideas from this

One thing is get a timer, even if you grow autos, I wish I could come over and set it up for you. Good luck man you'll get it down

thanks man,ill take a pic today once im done,you can give me more input


Active Member
Tin foil is actually bad because it deflects light and absorbs heat , basically it's a no no as everyone is saying. Flat white paint is best or Mylar don't get glossy or semi gloss it makes it harder to controll the temp, cfl bulbs are defiantly your best bet but because you have seriously confined the space of the operation your limiting so much, you will need to probably move the plant half way threw veg state and change of atmospher can cause stress if it has never been moved before, not that the stress is much to worry about since the plants are very forgiving. You will also need to pinch or top the plant to keep it getting to big in there. Eventually the bulb will touch the plant and it will all be a waist..


Active Member
Tin foil is actually bad because it deflects light and absorbs heat , basically it's a no no as everyone is saying. Flat white paint is best or Mylar don't get glossy or semi gloss it makes it harder to controll the temp, cfl bulbs are defiantly your best bet but because you have seriously confined the space of the operation your limiting so much, you will need to probably move the plant half way threw veg state and change of atmospher can cause stress if it has never been moved before, not that the stress is much to worry about since the plants are very forgiving. You will also need to pinch or top the plant to keep it getting to big in there. Eventually the bulb will touch the plant and it will all be a waist..
i under stand my confined space,but i do know that i have seen good bud grow out of striped pc's,i have aprox 2.5ft for the plant to grow up,the space where it is sitting is 1ft by 4ft,2.5ft tall...and cant i just bend the plant a bit?and im panning to use afghan kush ryder,so its a shorter plant.


Active Member
Yea topping will be your best friend in this situation it will take time for the plant to heal at the bend causing the bottom of the bend to flourish more but improper bending and pinching could lead to disaster so read up on proper ways of topping the plant and even with the afghani, same as what I'm growing, the plant can reach up to 5 feet in height is left alone. My biggest fear would be the light burning the leaves if it's too close. You will half to try different watt bulbs to see which is ideal I generally like an 8 foot tall grow space
You may not know it but you coming to this site and asking for advice on that is one of the smartest decisions you will ever make. The first setup you had with the incandescent bulbs was screaming fire. Luckily, you came to the right place. RIU has helped me immensely over the years, although I only recently signed up. It is a learning process but it's really fun and enjoyable, especially when you get to smoke bud that you grew yourself.

Overgrow the government!


Active Member
i just had another question,if i do all the nuts rights,all my lighting right(basically everything else good) how many g's am i going to expect? how many grams/ounces


Active Member
It is very hard to say because there are so many variables. Using cfls in a small cabinet is not ideal for max yields. I suggest checking out some of the grow journals. Look for someone with a similar size cabinet and see how many lights plants etc and what the outcome was for them. Would give you a good place to start. I have seen some nice small grows with cfl where you can get an ounce per plant in something like you are doing.


Active Member
A small pant grow ideally up to 5 ounces if its a small onree with your setup I'd say probably 1-2 ounces but again it's hard to tell without experiencing it yourself


Active Member
alright,what are reccomended soil levels,how long does the plant grow before it starts stinking,what is the best scent remover?im going to make a carbon filter,but i want it 100%,what else can i throw in to make it 100% legit.and with my area,since im only growing 1 plant(afghan kush ryder) should i worry about it being male,even tho the seed is feminized


Active Member
Female is what u want because it will be what produces the big yummy buds and a one plant if u have the right carbon filter u won't need anymore stuff