My DMT trip


Active Member
I was at a festival at Zoe in Southern MO (UGS #6, it was pure debauchery) and I met one of those temporary festival friends because I kept cutting him lines of this awesome shard molly. Shit's like crack, eh?

I had bought 250mg of DMT from some guy named "scary". Sounds not sketchy, right? Hahaha

Anyway, after a long night of hippie flippin' it's about 5 in the morning. I've never smoked or seen the stuff before, so I enlist his help so I can break through.

I take one really big hit and hold it in as long as I can. Tastes terrible. Things start going 2-D like "A Scanner Darkly" or "Waking Life" and I take another massive hit. I keep holding and then I exhale. All of the sudden, I'm rising through a cathedral. I rise above the pews, through the rafters, and burst through the ceiling into what I can only describe as "fractal space".

I pass through what I felt was an infinite number of "layers" before arriving at a destination of sorts. The patters were there, of course, and yes, it was the most unimaginably intense thing I've ever seen or experienced. Then things got really weird.

I kept thinking of this word, I had a word to perfectly describe all I saw, I just can't remember it and I don't even think it's in the human language. I became aware of all points in the universe simultaneously. I felt like I could see atoms interacting even on the subatomic scale. I perceived "God" as the universe itself; a dispassionate watcher of sorts (viewed as a singularity of white light), and saw every factor influencing my life, even so far as the migrant worker in California picking my food, and his life and all influencing it. I understood time to be the vibrations of these particles and could see past present and future.

While I do not remember all I saw, I was very contemplative and pensive on the subject for two weeks afterwards. Whenever someone says DMT I now have to take a few seconds and think about what I saw.

If you can get it, try it. It's not recreational, it's not fun, it's not unpleasant, it just IS. I was an atheist before, and I still identify as such, but no singular event has ever cause me to question that ideology as much as DMT. I now see everyone's idea of "God" as the worship of the natural order of things, such as the way helium and hydrogen fuse, wave patterns in energy, or the way an electron so perfectly revolves around a nucleus. I now see "God" as a manifestation of the universe's processes, and all other forms of worship of this "dead" god (see Nietzsche) as a perversion of what is actually out there.

I'll probably never try the stuff again. Once was plenty.


Well-Known Member
Lol, those lines in the bible where people talk about being in the spririt makes alot more sense now hey?


Active Member
Sweet bro, I was thinking when you described yourself being sprung through a cathedral, "Get to CHURCH!" haha


I'll probably never try the stuff again. Once was plenty.
hehe.... give it two weeks and you'll be entertaining the thought of going again.... soon. :)

other than that, great way to put your experience into words. I've plenty of psychedelic experience, but dmt completely took me by surprise.... no matter how much I had read what to expect, and how much I thought I knew what to expect, there is no way to explain that to someone, only to show....... (side note: went on a 4hr rant on shrooms with my wife not too long ago about the difference between "teach" and "show" and their impact in our cross cultural understanding :) )