My donkey dick grow journal TTT genetics LETS ROCK!


Well-Known Member
checked the clones ive topped NO stress or anything,2 days now and theyve already started new growth from wer i cut fuking mint!no point in pics too small to show il leave in box for another 2-3 weeks then flower them puppies,adding another blue spec cfl at the end of the week they should fucking love it


Well-Known Member
well was going to chop tomorrow but went into chek tomite and the bushier of the 2 the main cola got too heavy and snapped not 100% but bent rite over to the floor if it wernt bendy it would have snapped!
phew good job lol anyways il do the trimming tonite summet to do wen the childs in bed

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
How was it or is it? Never had much hope for any of the br crosses, figured given the piss poor smoke that the br was i would need to then backcross and other than the colour get all of the br bullshit out of there.
Given the way the br male grew, i am not at all surprised by those big logn colas, rather eipc :)


Well-Known Member
How was it or is it? Never had much hope for any of the br crosses, figured given the piss poor smoke that the br was i would need to then backcross and other than the colour get all of the br bullshit out of there.
Given the way the br male grew, i am not at all surprised by those big logn colas, rather eipc :)
thought id catch you here :P

anyway .. snap i wanna know the same thing !


Well-Known Member
lol yeh well considering i sent u sum TT i wold think u would have knwn how they smoke BUT i undertsnad your confusion mr popular i bet u get home to a stack of treats each day :)

was ok not grade by any means and dident really have a smell but im 4 grows in and pulling 2oz a plant,,,tbh i wasent keen on the smoke,, but it was my first grow using hammerhead and othertsrange and msyteriouse white poweders so i guess not kkilling em was a great bonus!lol

thanx TT


Well-Known Member
Those colas did look great man ! :)

i know the BR is a shit yielder but some of the phenos have a strong stone to them unfortunately most of the phenos are not very strong, i dont know which crosses you grew lol but theres still promise in the other seeds yet ;) might be a killer pheno waiting in there somewhere lol

i wouldnt mind finding a black eodus cheese pheno , now that would be a keeper ! :D