My dresser/box. Small.


Active Member
Are you using CFLs for veg? If so what Watts and what not? reason i ask is it's my first grow and thats what i'm using just wondering how their working for ya?


Well-Known Member
question, where did you get the light sockets that plug into the recepticles? and the mylar?

I've been looking everywhere for those


Well-Known Member
The mylar I got from a party store. It's mylar wrapping paper. Was like 15cents per square foot.

The plugs are at homedepot or probably any hardware store. Just ask the clerk if you dont find them! :)


Well-Known Member
I would love to use all flouro's for my grow and even made my own fixture. The cabinet that im going to use is similar. Same height but twice as wide. Im thinking of getting a 250W switchable HPS/MH and cool it to the outside (with a glass lens over the bulb) Im wondering about heat issues. Think I should use a 150 instead of the 250? Either way it will be cooled. There is only 3 plants.
Oh by the way your grow journal is awsome dude! The camara idea is great! Ive been following it but came here late so I didnt say anything.
There should definately be a competition in these small grow box/stealth boxes. Ive seen some cool shit man. bxke1414<--- i think thats the right handle Anyway his grow was the shit. Never learned so much, until I found yours also.
Thanks for the updates and everything man. Keep it up... Ill be stalking your threads...LOL


Active Member
wow man da ja vue i just got done building a dresser box like an hour ago urs is way better lookin on the outside though but as long as its all sweet green on the inside its all good


Active Member
great thread, I'm in.

Thinking I need a stealth grow box for cloning, and loving the wheels. a box that spins brilliant!
Nice info man I have a box and i am woundering on what kind of lights to use? I think that a 150w hps would be to much heat for the space in which i am trying to grow in. I like the set up with the lights but im woundering why arnt you using a single light at a higher wattage?
Solid deal. Did you think of maybe smaller caster wheels at the bottom? I think those oversized wheels may be a little ummmm... not stealth in a stealth inspired build. A nice dresser more than likely wouldn't have industrial style casters. Other than that superb built. I will borrow your ideas.
I think a light bulb just lit in my head. What about making a skirting to hide the wheels? This way you still can use them, have mobility and hide them. Molding would be cheap to tack on. Thoughts?