My Dresser Grow. = )


Well-Known Member
I'm about a days work in, got quite a bit completed though.

1. Took apart drawers, scrapped them all except for the front panels which I screwed to the front.

2. Removed all the the structure on the inside, clean box.

3. Took off back panel and hinged it on, thus making a nice back door.

4. Found a light fixture, but I'm unsure if it is good enough.

5. Made my own reflector.

6. Sealed it up.

Couple Questions & Pics

What lightbulbs should I use with this, below there are 2 40W bulbs, not sure what type they are called. I need to know how much lighting I need!

Also, I found a 500W Halogen light bulb (about twice the size as a cig) except I cannot find the light fixture...would this be better? How much am I looking at for a fixture?

As far as ventilation, I have yet to drill some nice holes in it, going to have 2 comp fans on each side of the bulbs too keep them cool and then an exhaust fan (prob x4 comp fans) running outside. from the window above the dresser.

Any have any ideas, answers, suggestions, etc.





Well-Known Member
stay away from halogens no good at all put as many cfl lights as you can fit unless your going hps lighting


Well-Known Member
no the light and fixture are no good those lights are incandecsent you need to go to wal mart or whatever and get as many standard screw in sockets as you can fit fillem with at least40 watt cfl bulbs get rid of the foil either buy mylar or just paint it white


Well-Known Member
yeah dude, good thing you made a thread instead of trying that out. how many cfls do you want? You want to start out with the blue spectrum cfls for starters. For prolific growth in there id say you want at least 6 of the 25w DAYLIGHT bulbs, which are the blue spectrum. TO flower you want the red cfls, or the NATURAL light bulbs. And the more of those the marrier, and the bigger the harvest, so the q is what kind of harvest are you looking for?


Well-Known Member
I have a ton of coloured incandescents, no?

I was looking for my emergency blankets and I can't seem to find them, perhaps I will check the vehicles.

6 CFL's should be good? What about 3 like...80W/60W or w\e, lol.

How many can fit in a power bar...3?


Well-Known Member
I would just get the typical spiral CFLs (if youre going for a cfl grow).. You can get them at walmart and places like that.

I got 3 to fit on my power bar but I think my powerbar is only 6 plugs long.. Maybe 7. I cant remember. They come longer though at homedepot.

Scrog would help for sure. I am going to LST mine if the beans will bust.


Well-Known Member
BTW, great job hammering out that dresser in a day or 2. It's looking great!!!

Definitely ditch that light tho!!

Id scrog for sure, since your grow space is limited in height


Well-Known Member
Was thinkin about fluorescents...or maybe a setup like this...

Or just a 2 lamp fluorescent ballast


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think I saw about 10 400watt hps units and bulbs at the sanitation hut right outside the forest near nobody. =)


Well-Known Member
dude there ya go! but used ballasts can be peices of shit if they have been used to long, lumen output degrades throughout there life. And 400w would be quite a ventilation obstical. The most wattage ive seen in a dresser was a 250w hps, and they had cool tubes, and knew what the fuck they were doing. A 70w would be your best bet, hps units get prity warm.


Well-Known Member
I'm not really sure. The more the merrier.. Get 3 and see how it goes, you may determine you need more. But i'd start with at least 3.

I am going to put my (3 if they all crack) seedlings under (3) 26watt CFLs... Once they start to grow some leaves I am going to put each plant under 3 lights each.

I will go from there and see what I will need to change :)


Active Member
Don't forget about ventilation..

And if stealth is an issue, try screwing the fronts on from inside..

What's the size ?