my DWC setup ... post what setup is working for you


Well-Known Member
What's up all? - after growing in soil, various dro setups, and under twice the light I have settled on this four plant DWC set up under one 1000w hps. i love everything about this set up. easy to maintain, good access, can tinker with each plant, and dwc is the shit. screen is 7 ft by 3 1/2 ft. rushed these a little through veg but i'm guessing they'll fill it up

i had as many as 40 four foot plants at one time in this space and over 100 plants total and it was waaay too much to handle. couldn't really focus and access was a big problem. my elec bill was rediculous too.

pics are last day in veg box and first day in flower. topped and LST'd for 4 1/2 weeks.

any suggestions are always welcome and i hope to see posts and pics people who have found a setup that they like...

peace and happy growing

