my ebb & flow system

tea tree

Well-Known Member
cool but I would replave that reservoir stat with a black and yellow 27 gallon tuff box from lowes for 13 buks. It holds 400 pounds without leaks and no light for algae. I would also try and get a 2x3 cement tray from lowes as it is black and that is cool. Lol, but other wise nice.


Well-Known Member
you can also use those trays they put under washers theyre white & even have a drain fitting about 24x24 cost about $20 at home depot your set-up looks good though


Well-Known Member
your set-up looks great except for one minor thing . It's clear . You will be fighting algea the entire grow .
You can solve this by wrapping the tray with tape or dark contact paper . I would save the reservoir for storage and go buy the darkest rubbermade tub you can find at Walmart. About $ 7.50 .
Other than that , I like it .
Check out my set up I am using in my signature.


Well-Known Member
You're also going need a cross bar to support the weight of the water and plants while flooding.