My envirolite grow 250w red + 250w blue


Well-Known Member
im away for 2 weeks tomorrow and the gf will be popping in every few days to water and seperate the males, i have 2 other lights, one 125w and one other 250w, im gonna stick those on when im back, so for the last 6-8 weeks of flowering, id rather not leave them all on the timer when im away so i thought its best to leave the one on just now, they seem to be doing fine but will really start to bud when i put the rest of them on


Well-Known Member
im away for 2 weeks tomorrow and the gf will be popping in every few days to water and seperate the males, i have 2 other lights, one 125w and one other 250w, im gonna stick those on when im back, so for the last 6-8 weeks of flowering, id rather not leave them all on the timer when im away so i thought its best to leave the one on just now, they seem to be doing fine but will really start to bud when i put the rest of them on
That's what I was thinking.. it takes numerous CFL's to match the HPS.. so in order to get a decent yeild upping the light as much as you can is always a good idea.




Well-Known Member
yup i mean as you say they will probs be ok under just the current light but yeild would be dissapoionting for their size, so adding the others later on in flowering should beef those buds up nicely


Well-Known Member
yup i mean as you say they will probs be ok under just the current light but yeild would be dissapoionting for their size, so adding the others later on in flowering should beef those buds up nicely
If I were you, I'd add those lights the second you get back so you can monitor them.


Well-Known Member
yeh there gonna go on the day im back, there gonna be positioned in such a way that each plant should have its own light (offcourse thats once males have been seperated)


Active Member
Hi there mate. I have been keeping a very close eye on your grow diary. Them plants looking pretty damn heavy. I think ill be asking you for tips when my time comes to grow. Hope the mrs doesn't mess it up but im sure she's a clever girl. Those leaves have an almost "kandy" green colour to them.
sounds as though from estimations harvest time should be around may am i right?? Whenever it is, i look forward to getting the lowdown on final harvest, curing etc etc

Got one more question for you my friend??

You whakd?? :wink::lol:


Well-Known Member
ok guys update 2nite gf went round and watered plants and try to indentify males.

so far we think we have deff 2 females (95% sure) and a couple not showing, the rest we think are males, however the balls are too tiny yet to distinguish between new growth and male balls.

so im gonna leave em till next watering (5 odd days) before we decide to kill any just to be sure, i mean if they aint obvious then they not anywhere neat pollinating so its all good

by the way thats after 6 days of flower

i reckon we should know by the 2nd week for sure, considering this is a cfl grow maybe even slightly longer, they were vegged for 4 weeks.

i will have the pics 2morrow morning, will post em up then


Well-Known Member
few more, still day 6 of flower

can anyone chime in on what they think are male and female, i can see a couple pistils in the pics on some of the plants and also on some i can see what i think are balls, any help with splitting them up would be great based on what you see on those pics


Well-Known Member
kool pretty certain i can see those on at least 3 maybe even 4 of them, which is good news, i think il leave them another week just to be sure as the pistils are really thin just now, il let them thicken up and be a bit more apparant like in the pic you posted