Well-Known Member
Ever dab meff?
Yeah baby.Some stick it up their butt
Yeah baby.
I have heard that you can take it and pee it into someone's but.
but I diddnt feel it
I love meth dick. I tie it up, pump it full of blood and then try to get the rubber bands off before the veins pop.Meth dick may be an issue
I love meth dick. I tie it up, pump it full of blood and then try to get the rubber bands off before the veins pop.
Negatory, I'm just a dick manglerInject it there huh
Negatory, I'm just a dick mangler
It ain't gay unless you're on bottom, and it seems you're down bending over pinworm'd on the ground
Prison teaches ya some things
Ice time.
I spent a good few years locked in that cycle.m i last smoked the methylated phenethylamines on jan 2, i mean i try not to discriminate, they all get equal opportunity to please me..white green clear brown black yellow..i dont wanna make any drug feel bad so i gotta do em all on occasion....like my women you know
anyway, the meth makes me wanna fuck, and feels good can keep from bustin forever if i choose.
last time i did it i took 6 massive hits and held em like a mafucker. then had a drug fueled fuckathon for about 12 hours all night, and about 4 the next afternoon as blood levels are quickly cut... my dick was so sore lol, i cant imagine what she was feelin like
i end up feeling like shit after night2, anxiety dysphoria agitation, loss of coordination slightly , vision is skewed slightly. if i dont really use other drugs i might get a couple hrs sleep during night 2 still having not ate. and wake up feeling shitty. as it leaves my system its more like adderall and im zombied, not much of a talker...day 3 i start to normalize still equivalent in effect to ~20-25 mg amphet sulfate, i eat a good dinner and might stay up later than normal.
by day 5 almost all effects are gone, the half life obviously creates i guess a parabola, damn my math terms are gettin bad and its sluggish to leave my body but initial high drops quick......anyway day 5. my heart rate is averaging 109-120 throughout the day (normal for me is roughly 80-90 sober)
day 6-7 im completely normal
ps i left out a lot of side effects im sure yall know lol
thats my story of the last time i did meth.
That's if you don't accidentally pull your cock off.