My experience with PUREZHO extraction solvent


New Member
Hi All,

This is my first post here, and its going to be a doozy! As this is my first post, you are all welcome to take it with a grain of salt, but hopefully I can provide a little bit of insight into this new product.

A little background about myself. I have been a casual smoker on and off for the past 17 years. I just love to smoke, and it is like the oregano of life for me. From video games, friendly gatherings, or golf outings, smoking is always an enjoyable endeavor for myself, and I love being able to share the experience with others. I feel I can be more open with someone when I find out they smoke, and its just a connection I can easily have with anyone. I believe I have ADHD tendencies as well, and smoking helps me concentrate on mundane tasks, or work activities.

Let me start by saying that I am in no way affiliated with the PUREZHO guys, BUT I want to be. More on that later.

I was invited to attend a private demo in LA where I met the PUREZHO guys. Like most, I was skeptical about their claims. I believe I have a casual understanding of the process, but I am totally not an expert in any way. Extraction seems like an easy process, but purging is something I don't fully understand. Because of this, my detailing of this experience is going to be from a layman's perspective.

I met Dr. Z that night. Looks like an average dude, and totally not the type of guy you would think would be in this industry. His business partner was also there. Both were very nice guys and very open to answering any sort of questions we had. To be honest, talks of of tricombs and hydrocarbons are over my head, but they did go into much detail with my questions. I just wish I understood the answers more. They were obviously very knowledgeable about the extraction and purging process.

After I showered him with my skeptical questions, and about the purity of the gas, he proceeded to spray a small puddle of PUREZHO onto a plastic lid. He heated it up a bit to speed up evaporation, but after it was done, I could not see any obvious residue on the lid. I could not feel any residue, and I could not smell anything. I am not saying that there definitely wasn't anything on there, but to me and my personal senses, I couldn't tell that he has sprayed anything on there. Please take this with a grain of salt as it was a bit dark in there, and there was a lot of delicious canibus cologne in the air.

We had 2 ounces of top shelf herb. Both were very different strains, and each had their own distinctive aroma and floral notes. The first, an indica, had more of what I would describe as a skunky earthy smell, while the second, a sativa, was defined by cirtrusy notes. Both smelled delicious! Here is a short vid of before we started to extract. Please excuse the amateur phone vid as I decided to leave my DSLR at home that night for some stupid reason.

After grinding both ounces into separate bowls, we went to work. The PUREZHO guys said they wanted one of us to do the extraction, to show how safe and easy it was. My friend went ahead and did the extraction. Here is a video of that:

During the process, Dr. Z kept trying to show how safe the gas was by lighting a lighter next to the bowl as we were extracting. Definitely non flammable! To be honest, this is the first time I witnessed an extraction in person, but it looks like a pretty basic process. We used one can for the ounce of canibus. We did not use the whole can, and the PUREZHO guys said we used way too much. I think we only needed something like 3/4 of the can for a full extraction. They said each can of PUREZHO equals about 3 cans of butane. Retail price of a can is going to be about 12 dollars if I'm not mistaken. Don't quote me on that though.

After extraction, they proceeded to heat up the bowl with a heat gun to speed up the drying process. When it look like curds were forming, they started to whip it with an ultrasonic wand.

And that was it! While it was evaporating, I wasn't able to smell any sort of chemical odors. As i swirled the bowl around, it just smelled like delicious canibus. The best part is that the liquid smelled exactly like the original herbs before we extracted it. To my nose, the smell did not change at all. When it got to a curdle consistency I was really REALLY tempted to spread it on a cracker to eat. I refrained.

This was the same after most of the liquid had evaporated off. After we extracted both ounces of herbs, I did a side by side smell test, and both still held their original odors. After we took the herbs out of the tube, the herb itself still retained the original odors as well. To me, the herb still looked good, although I knew it was now lacking a lot of THC. Keep in mind however that the room was dim so maybe it could have had a more visual change if i was examining it in the light. They did mention they have another organic gas in development they could use to do a second extraction, and would provide a B grade wax, but that gas is flammable. To me, I think the average consumer could just cook the leftovers into butter and then toss it. Me, I would probably have tried to smoke it.

The wax had a gooey consistency, like that of butter. Dr. Z's partner was a very proficient whipper. The dude whips like Zorro. The whole night, I would catch him whipping the bowls out of the corner of my eye. His ultrasonic whipping tool was badass though. Very ingenius. The dude is a very smart guy, and I don't say that too often about people. Apparently, they have been in the business for a long time. He told us at one point he owned over 120 headshops in Washington. He only runs 20 right now. He cashed out at the main even of the WSOP. He has other extraction tools in the works, which are very interesting. Seems like ultrasonic technology is going to be getting bigger for use in extraction process. Overall a very cool guy. BUT remember, this is just what they told me, and I am not really one to check up on people's claims.

How long did the whole process take from start to finish? Not counting the time it took us to grind 2 ounces of weed with one grinder, we were able to extract and smoke in about 45 minutes of time. However, I was told that we probably could have smoked it 30 minutes after extraction. We did not expect to be taking dabs that night, so we had to run out and buy a piece and titanium nail.

Now, for the most important part to did it taste?

Delicious! I don't take dab hits too often. I prefer to use a cloud pen because it is discrete, and I can't be having bongs and shit around for my kids to get into. When I take dabs, its a special treat. We used a 1.5 footer with a titanium nail. I took a hit of the indica first. What a clean tasting hit! No coughing (i actually dont cough at all usually when i smoke), and everyone said it felt very smooth. No piercing needles in my throat. To be, it has been the cleanest tasting bong hit I've ever taken. I took another dab of the first one, and then a dab of the sativa. Immediately I could taste the difference between the two. I could taste the notes I noticed earlier. Usually, I am not able to do this, but I don't pick up good wax too often.

Keep in mind, I don't get to hit water pipes too often. I don't think I have tried super high grade wax yet, so I probably lack a good example to compare this experience to. I have seen stuff on forums that are so clear. I can only imagine how that tastes!

So to recap, we have a product that is essentially idiot proof, non flammable, quick evaporating, efficient gas that has no apparent chemical scent (to MY nose). Any mechanically functional person can pull this off. This is huge. The everyday average person can do this in the comfort of their own home. Without fear of blowing up the house, more people will be inclined to make their own wax. Smoking concentrates will become extremely popular I think, and this will let the average smoker do that.

The wax tasted PURE. Like all of you, I am also waiting on an MSDS for the product. In the end, if it causes cancer, then its not worth it. However, IF the MSDS shows this is clean, safe substance, we are all in for a treat! As of right now with my current knowledge, I would recommend it to family, friends, and anyone else.

I took some of the wax home. When I left on saturday, it was a gooey peanut buttery consistency. Today, I have a ball of wax that i can roll into a ball, and it looks like the wax on the bottom of the contain looks dry and like it can break apart. This has dried while sitting in a rubber wax container, in my car. I put it in there because I whipped it one morning in my loft, and the wife got pissed when she got home. Apparently the smell was still there =( .

So, back to the point as to WHY I have written this wall of text. I hope to be able to distribute for them! I also want people to know how great of an experience the demo was. This is an exciting product! They have numerous offers for investment of course. This product is something I truly think will be successful. They are very secretive about their product, and it is very understandable. Maybe DR. Z isn't so keen on being public, but they really want to protect their product since it is not currently not patented, and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop. This is a completely engineered gas. Apparently the MIT equivalent of South Korean scientists helped bring this to fruition. They punched every can we used that night after the demo was done. They do not want their recipe getting out, period. Dr. Z is a really cool guy in person, but I agree that his public persona is a bit secretive at the moment, and unfortunately that helps to raise questions about the product to potential customers. It was great to talk to them though like average joes.

I really hope I get the chance to sell this product IF IT IS SAFE.

Thanks everyone. I'll probably be browsing this forum and other forums every now and then. If someone wants to ask a question, a PM probably is the best idea. Thanks for reading.
A number of halogenated hydrocarbons make a killer extraction. Really killer if combusted and inhaled, which is why nothing but a MSDS sheet will ever get me to square two.

If it is indeed mother's milk, why isn't that full disclosure the center piece of their promotion, rather than a deep dark secret?

Truth is shorter than fiction. My suspicion that there is a reason that they don't want us to see the MSDS sheet, even though seemingly their heavy promotion has clearly started.

Where are they creating this new substance that they've invented? Have they filed for patent? My guess is that they are simply relabeling an existing refrigerant.
This post along with the youtube account create 2 days ago will no doubt be trolling the net hard today. There will be no responses from this bot.
I cant get link to post but id be willing to bet zho is 1,3,3,3 tetreflouropropene (hfo 1234ze). Im waiting for msds to be released to say 100% but this is my guess
I've already gone through in my head what it could be and don't feel like explaining the chemistry and all my feelings on the aspects of refrigerants or whatever.... but I expect to be fairly branched and 3 or 2 not 4(tetra) fluoros
But the possibilities are so vast and I do mean vast haha....its the density that's throwing me and I don't know if they are giving everything precisely or skewing it to make it harder.. I mean take trifluoroethylene..that matches the bp but is way to light.. so take it down and branch it out are my thoughts but whose to say its all F...........there are no haloalkanes that match,atleast not exactly..Google found lots similar.....but I don't think it will be out long.. pretty heavy pollutants and toxic.. take the 4 basic building blocks bromine chlorine fluorine iodine..none are too pretty..if not poisonous then its gonna be environmental
First post? The best way to respond is PM? LOL r u sure you aren't "Dr. Z" himself? If not it is pretty obvious you are a paid shill of sorts.
Hi Everyone,

I finally have some time to sit down and reply to you guys. My kids are asleep, and I cant be browsing forums like this on my work computer. I tried to follow some forums and post on my phone, but that was very limited.

Like I said in my post, I am in no way affiliated with PUREZHO...YET. If the product turns out to be a safe alternative to butane, then I really believe they will be successful. Other forums have mentioned that they must produce an MSDS in order to be taken seriously. I completely agree with this, and I will not be able to sell a product that is harmful to its users. I am merely being cautiously optimistic at this point.

I am just trying to get a healthy discussion going on the product. Unfortunately, we can only speculate as to what it actually contains until the MSDS is released. I am not very technically proficient in this matter, so I will be reading forums later and see if it is either safe, or toxic.

From my layman users perspective, the demo was great! It is such an easy way to extract, and safe. We were in a small enclosed room, smoking cigarettes while the extraction was being done. If this product proves to be safe, then I think its a viable way for the average person to make their own concentrates. So, from a user perspective, its a win to me.

BTW vodka extraction seems interesting! Do you freeze the vodka before you use it?
Blasting indoors will still be a no no
Wha? Where did all the air go?
As an asphyxiant with such a low bp and people now able to blast multi tubes in their kitchen...let's not get carried away with the safety aspect..
But it will also be more polar than butane...has me worried when you make it seem like there was a lot left on the bud...

"the herb itself still retained the original odors as well. To me, the herb still looked good, although I knew it was now lacking a lot of THC. Keep in mind however that the room was dim so maybe it could have had a more visual change if i was examining it in the light. They did mention they have another organic gas in development they could use to do a second extraction"
"....think the average consumer could just cook the leftovers into butter and then toss it. Me, I would probably have tried to smoke it."

So a canned product with a polarity close to ether..and making it sound like a quick wash was necessary

Dang sorry not awake yet this morning(edited a bunch)
I think the original poster may be wanting ppl to pm him wanting to purchase this VHO so they can extract ... I betcha he never comes back with the msds report for this post ... I think some1 said OP May be Dr Z ! I think he may be right lol
If they were so sure about there product why don't they give a huge sample to a respected well known extract company and let them tell us how it works, just because it stripped the red from peppers and by the guys post it didn't strip much of the trichomes ( the material still looked good, I probably would have tried smoking it ) lol doesn't mean it's going to work for us. I wouldn't touch the stuff un till a respected extract company uses it and gives it to there patient don't be this companies ginny pig
Yeah im sure this whole million dollar scheme wants it's plan's destroyed by one post from Skunk Pharm stating it anything less full adoption. N we all know there's no magic bullet's in this life that don't leave you with remorse and regret in the longrun. I feel like im being sold a bloddy MonoRail.
No if I had a scam like this going, and im not saying it doesn't extract, but if I had a scam of reselling something most people wouldn't choose if they knew what it was before using it. Yeah i would have all kinds of ways to pretend im communicating without ever saying anything. The MSDS Dance is flat out a fire alarm for me, why would i accept anything from them in future as truth. For all i know there scrambling with a lawyer to see how greyzone they can get with that msds. I bet when there is an MSDS it's going to say department of agriculture of Barbados or something else sketch that will bridge time while they make sales.
Isn't there some laws that enforce disclosure of product information/MSDS?
Yes if you must work with any unfamiliar industrial chemical you can refuse to work with it until an MSDS can be produced under OSHA regs. But, not sure how that applies to oil makers unless said individuals are employees of a business producing wax. BHOtards R US? Lol..I love all the cynics here on RIU... Keep takin it all with a grain of salt y'all!