My experience with Salvia 40x


Active Member
I smoked an entire gram of 40x salvia and felt nothing more than some tingles, and after 10 minutes, I was fine again, I did what I was supposed to, keep a lighter on it while smoking and hold it in for 20 seconds, still nothing. Why is this?


Active Member
did you try it in a waterbong?that is the recamended way.just make sure someone is watching you.the water bong incresses the effects 10x.try it.


Well-Known Member
Some people have a slight tolerance... don't worry, i think it is the only halucigenic for which your resistance reduces every time... Just hit it again...


Active Member
I smoked it out of my bong, and I bought another 40x bag, I told the clerk that it sucked so he gave me another 40x but it was different from the original one I had purchased, this one is 16mg, I emptied the whole thing into my bowl and hit it, held it for 20 seconds, and all I did was chuckle a little bit. Could it be from smoking alot of weed? Cause I smoke everyday.


Well-Known Member
hmm doubt smoking weed would make u that tollirable... maybe it was crappy stuff i duno but my mate tokes everyday and he done x40 and said never again it was the most freaky shit and said he dont know why the hell its legal !! also ive heard ov many BAD story's from it ...maybe keep trying and u can have an awful trip :S

ive heard some saying its made them a diffrent person
just changed them from what it done.... wierd xD

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I would guess that either the stuff you're getting is not what it is (40x), you are hitting it wrong, not holding it in long enough, or you have some wierd natural tolerance. When you try it next time, if again, hold it in as long as POSSIBLE. I always hold my breath as long as I can, and it's like 20-30 seconds in I blackout and I have never remembered exhaling on 20x or stronger. When I smoke just the leaf I have to pack a full bowl and just keep hitting it as long and hard as I can, hold it forever, and repeat and usually I get the kind of high you explained, or more laughing.

P.S. I smoke chronic all day every day and have for years. So I don't think that would make your tolerence to salvia different.


Active Member
I wont be trying it again for a while, unless someone else is buying lol. Ill just keeping smoking chronic, and maybe ill try shrooms some day.


Well-Known Member
i smoke weed everyday too and i have tried 20x 30x and 40x and all have made me trip balls.


Well-Known Member
I smoke every day, too. One 20x bong rip (big 2.5-3 ft) made me think the room was actually a mouth and it was trying to eat me.

I don't understand how people can smoke real 20x (and above, straight. don't mix it with weed) and not trip balls. OK, unless said person not trippin' is on some kind of med that blocks chemical pathways (depression meds, maybe?)


Well-Known Member
It is Salvia lashing out at you for trying to use it like a high...
It is not for entertainment, but enlightenment... if a monkey looks into a golden mirror he still only sees a monkey.

I put it to you that smokeing it is the WRONG way...

The poeple who cultivated and used this stuff for thousands of years... actualy pray to the tobacco (simbolicaly), they have tobacco right there... They know about smokeing stuff, but they would never smoke salvia.


Well-Known Member
It is Salvia lashing out at you for trying to use it like a high...
It is not for entertainment, but enlightenment... if a monkey looks into a golden mirror he still only sees a monkey.

I put it to you that smokeing it is the WRONG way...

The poeple who cultivated and used this stuff for thousands of years... actualy pray to the tobacco (simbolicaly), they have tobacco right there... They know about smokeing stuff, but they would never smoke salvia.
The mirror is still only a mirror even if it is gold.

People that used pot 2500 years ago didn't use bongs, pipes, or I suppose we're all wrong for using said instruments.

I ate salvia leaves...wasn't fun or enlightening. Am I supposed to make a tea? You didn't enlighten me as to the proper way to do it.


Well-Known Member
I guess there is no RIGHT way to do anything...

What I meant to imply was that chewing is the way it has been done since the memory of man until well, maybe a generation or so ago...

PS, people have been useing pipes for milenia

There are pipes and tobaco of over 2000 years that have been found with some egyptian mummies

And there is archeological proof of north american indians smokeing their ceremonial pipes since 1500BC

There are indeed some realy nice youtube vids on masatec and salvia ceremonies.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I smoked an entire gram of 40x salvia and felt nothing more than some tingles, and after 10 minutes, I was fine again, I did what I was supposed to, keep a lighter on it while smoking and hold it in for 20 seconds, still nothing. Why is this?
A couple of reasons, first, salvia doesn't effect all people who do it. More likely, salvia sometimes takes a few times of doing it (3-4) before the full effects are noted. And finally, did you have standardized or non-standardized? If you had the latter, that's most likely why it was shitty.


Active Member
A couple of reasons, first, salvia doesn't effect all people who do it. More likely, salvia sometimes takes a few times of doing it (3-4) before the full effects are noted. And finally, did you have standardized or non-standardized? If you had the latter, that's most likely why it was shitty.
yes, it was standardized, I have the package right hear, ill read it off; standardized Salvia Divinorum
Standardized 40x extract and Lobella Extract resine


Oracle of Hallucinogens
yes, it was standardized, I have the package right hear, ill read it off; standardized Salvia Divinorum
Standardized 40x extract and Lobella Extract resine
hm.. that's odd. My recommendation would be to pick some up from bouncingbearbotanicals not from a head shop. Try it out a couple more times in smaller dosages split a few days apart (to see if your body just needs to recognize it's in your system). Like I said, some people it takes like 3-4 times. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of when I started smokeing pot... probably only got stoned on the 7th time I tried it... still have massive tollerance for it till this day...


Well-Known Member
put a half bowl on top of a half bowl of weed. roast that shit pulling slowly. hit it twice and hold it long. torch lighter and water pipe make it easier to bring it up to the proper temperature. If ur not tripping even with the proper technique then i'd deffinitely try a different vendor. i went to the site that the 'iamshaman' site recommends and deffinitely got some good product. my first three times it (20x) knocked me down and out. Since then i have resolved to stay standing and have thus far been successfull in doing so :D


Well-Known Member
I have tried salvia twice. The first time I just felt really tingly. The second time I smoked more and just felt the tingles again (granted it was stronger). Both times was with the same 20x stuff. I didn't really care for it so I ended up give the rest of it away to a friend. Doubt I'll ever try it again. I always said that if I do it would be a half salvia half weed bowl. I figure that might make it a little more interesting. On a side note...salvia tastes like ass!


Active Member
You all must be getting fake salvia,
cause i smoked 20x in a water bong, burned the whole bowl in one hit,
and it blew my head in seven directions.
Like a whole different world.