my far from pro grow

this isnt my first grow and wont be my last :) my grow is cheap and like the title says im no pro and never will claim to be. i had an account on here a couple years ago, and finaly decided to make a new account. this is my set up. i have a 400w mh magnetic ballast running a 330w hps conversion bulb. i put my cups outside when the wheather is nice when my plants are small. i cant put them outside when they get bigger because i live in a trailer park. my median is coco coir from pet co its like $7-8 for 3 brick and i add perlite. i start my plants in 18oz red solo cup from the dollar store. right now i have 5 heavy duty fruity about a week old in veg that i made the seeds about a year and a half to two years ago for freebie i got from a order. i was lucky and got 1 female and 1 male :) i also have 3 blue widow x heavy duty fruity in cups waiting to pop through the coco coir atm. i have to get my veg box from my shed so i can veg these plants away from the ones flowering in my closet, which is a mix of like 3 different crosses ive made. my veg box is a thick box lined with mylar and use a 105w cfl 5000k bulb. no batteries for my camera so i'll post pix as soon as i remember to buy batteries. all comments are welcome unless your just going to talk trash then in that case dont waste my or others people time by posting trash talk. im hoping to get some decent plants out of these. the seeds ive given away to friends of these strain were very happy with what they got out of them.
Here is what I have so far.

Liberals: Pro-gay rights; Support welfare programs; Big Government; usually pro-choice on abortion
Conservatives: Traditional marriage b/t man+woman; Small Government; usually not pro-choice on abortion

Please don't post anything offensive. I am trying to do my homework and it'd be very nice to get some nice, wholesome help. Every time I try to look it up I get very offensive things, and I know that politics does not always have to be so angry and bitter. Thank you.
how do i delete that crap from my thread? ^^^^^^^^^
I went and bought batteries and set up my veg box. I didn't take any pix because i have to find a bulb not sure where I put them, and I'm not taking the bulb I'm letting my mother use to grow with. ya i got my ma doing a small grow :) here's my new babies

An i have a question from the medical state people. My state just passed medical marijuana last month 95-33 :) about how long did it take for your state to implement the medical laws?


Staff member
you cant delete posts from others in your own thread only mods can thanks for the reported post it was just crafty spam
you cant delete posts from others in your own thread only mods can thanks for the reported post it was just crafty spam
ok thank you

100_3304.jpg100_3305.jpg my veg box. the 3 blue widow x heavy duty fruity started coming through the coco coir so i added them to the veg box along with the HDF. they should be happy in there under the 105w cfl 5000k.
quick update before i head out of town after i get a new tat. 1 of the HDF and 1 of the BW x HDF died on me :( and 1 of the BW x DHF didnt do anything after i put it into the coco coir. i just watered 4 of the 5 that needed to be watered. they should be good for the couple days im out of town. i gave them about 1/4 ts of nutes/gallon seeing how my medium doesnt provide any.

transplanted the 3 HDF into 1 gallon pots. the BW x HDF isnt growing very fast and not looking the greatest :( so i left it in the cup.

my plants are almost touching the light so i had to grab a larger veg box from my shed. i will be sexing the plants soon just so i know what i have atm. then switching back to veg till they get a little bigger and i grab clones from them all. and i also noticed the bulb in my veg box isnt a 5000k like i thought it was, its a 2700k. so im going to need to make a order for some new 105 watt bulbs and a new 330 watt conversion bulb for my closet.

I just put the 3 HDF and the 1 BW x HDF into my closet to be sexed. after the sex shows i will most likely put them back in the veg box till they get larger and i have clones off the plants.
i transplanted the 3 HDF into 2gal pots, and the BW x HDF into a 1 gallon pot. from what i can see i have 2 female HDF and 1 male HDF. the BW x HDF hasnt shown sex yet, and i also topped it.

it's official i have 2 female and 1 male HDF. i put the 2 females back in my veg box, and left the male in my closet to keep going for pollen. i will be taking clones in about a week two max. i will most likely make a bubble cloner for the clonesmost likely, im to broke to make a areo cloner atm.
while in the city yesterday i picked up 10-2" cloning collars. not a fan of the colors but thats all they had in the size i wanted in single, or i would have had to buy bulk and i didnt have the extra money to blow. i made a quick and simple bubbleponic cloner. atm i have my duel line air pump ran into a T so both lines run into 1 and a air stone in the bottom of the bucket until i find my extra air stones or buy a new 1. i took 5 cones off both female HDF, and they are labeled by color and a letter on the collars and pot, so i can keep track of what clones are what. also the male in my closet looks like it going to start opening the sacks soon, so i'll be collecting pollen very soon :)

I've collected enough pollen finally to be happy. i shut the light off in my closet but im leaving the exhaust fan on for a while. either later today or tomorrow i'll pull everything out of the closet and wipe it down with bleach water, then wipe everything that cant be pulled out. the plan atm is to move all the veg plans into my closet in a couple days, but still veg the plants a little more. i'll run the conversion bulb for the same 12/12 but add a 105 watt cfl to the wall for the extra hours of light. i would like to take 1 more set of clones off the 2 females before i move the veg plants back to the box and finish the 2 HDF.

finally pulled everything out of my closet and wiped it down as i did it. then wiped down everything in the closet. the 360 watt conversion bulb will run 12/12 i dont feel like dealing with the extra heat from the mh bulb. i also installed 2 porcelain sockets with 105 watt cfl 1 is 5000k and the other is 2700k. i only plan on running the cfls while my ballast is off. i also checked the ph in my clone bucket and it was 8.4 so i added vinegar to the water till the ph lowered to 5.9, lucky first pour :) lol

i did a res change on my cloner, and noticed that 3 of the clones have small roots :) the ph was up to 7.4 when i checked it before the res change. i added a little to much vinegar to the water so the ph ended up at 4.7 but i left it seeing how the ph is raising about 2.0 in 24 hours. my tap water sucks bad almost 500ppm well water /sigh
i transplanted 3 HDF-B into solo cups. they're not looking 100% but i hope they bounce back once the roots grow more and they take to the coco coir/perlite mix i use.
i did another res change using 2 gallons city water from my sister's house that she had out from the day before for her fish tank and almost 3 my well water. ppm was about 375 down from about 575 with just my well water, plus the tiny bit of nutes i added to the res each time.

transplanted 2 more clones into the 18oz cups 1 HDF-A and 1 HDF-B. another day or 2 i should be able to transplant more clones. im probably going to take 4 more clones from each HDF soon. that way i can start to flower soon.