my far from pro grow

took 4 HDF-B and 2 HDF-A clones. bubbly cloner was at 6.1ph so i im going to make sure i add 2 gallons of spring or city water every time in the cloner if i dont just start running just spring/city water. ph is much more stable :) crappy well water sucks for hydro.
my last set of clones started to look like shit so i pulled my bubble cloner out and pulled the lid. there was a bunch of nasty slug shit in it on the walls and on the air stone. so i ended up just tossing all the clones and bleached the hell out of the bucket and refilled it with 2 gallons of city water and the rest my well water. i cut all new clones for the cloner. anyone have this issue? if you have what did you do to fix this issue from happening again? thank you for any help

i removed everything from my veg box last night(cut down and thrown out). i needed the room for all the HDF clones in gallon pots. i moved all the HDF clones into the veg box today, and moved the HDF-A and HDF-B in 5 gallon buckets over some in my closet so they had more space around them. at midnight i will start the first 12 hour dark for the start of 12/12. from the notes i took when i got the seeds originally it takes 60-65 days to finish. hoping to get atleast a couple ozs off the 2 plants.

i gave both plants in my closet 1 gallon of water yesterday because i forgot to fill my water jugs up with water for a full watering. today i watered both with 2 gallons of water. the indica dom plant still felt a little heavy but i still gave it 2 gallons of water. the sativa dom plant felt light already, so it got 2 gallons of water also. i have a feeling the sativa dom plant is going to be a plant i have to keep an eye on if she keep sucking up water like this, which isnt a bad thing at all. if she is hungry i will feed her as much as she wants :) i just dont want to transplant her into a larger container, she is already in a 5 gallon bucket.
i watered all my plants in my veg box today with 1/4 teaspoon of nutes, then moved into larger veg box. i also moved 1 of each pheno clone to the other end of the trailer so they are by themselves for seed production. i also water the sativa dom in closet with 1 teaspoon/gallon of flower nutes. she definitely is a hungry girl lol. only bad part is i have spider mites :( very very unhappy. couldnt be much of a worse time, im broke. i'll have to figure something out because the neem oil doesnt seem to be doing the trick.

just finished spraying all my plants between my closet, veg box, and the 2 for seed production, with lilly miller sulfur dust 1 teaspoon/gallon. i turned the light out for each set of plants as i grabbed them to bring them to the bathroom to be sprayed. what a pain in the ass that was. hopefully that wipes out my spider mite problem. only time will tell.

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the sulfur dust didnt seem to kill the mites or even harm them, so i'll be taking all my plants back into the shower to wash the sulfur off in a couple days. i watered/feed the indica dom plant in my closet today. but before i did i took a gallon jug and added 3 tablespoon of epson salt to it, and labeled it. i added 5ml of the epson salt mix to both gallons of water/feed to help with the slight mag def i have(mag def on some fan leaves but not all). i will be adding about 5ml to every other watering per gallon for all my plants. i also trimmed the lower branches off both the plants in my closet that werent getting much light and had little growth. sorry about the pix being crappy 1 is from my cell and the others are from my laptop webcam(first time using my laptop cam).

just finished showering all my plants to wash the sulfur off all the plants. i also added 5-4' bamboo staked to both of the plants in 5 gallon buckets. havent tied any of the branches to the stakes yet but will be soon when the tops start to get heavier. took almost an hour to shower all the plants. plus watered the saliva dom in closet with water and 5ml of the water/epson salt mix per gallon.

while checking on the plants in my closet i noticed the start of heat stress on the sativa dom plant from the plant getting closet to the bulb. so i pulled the plants out and the shelf. attached the fan to the wall as high as i could, and hung pulleys up to raise the light. the light should hopefully be good where it is now to finish these 2 plants.

my girls in the closet are 2 weeks into 12/12 so i figured i would take some pix. HDF is a 60-65 day flower strain so about 46-51 days left till they get chopped down. and the bud porn begins :) :hump: :weed: :blsmoke::bigjoint: ignore the date in the pix i changed the batterie in my camera and didnt reset the date

cabinet with plants for seed production before adding ghetto reflector


cabinet after ghetto reflector added


will be ordering new 105 watt cfls soon, have to order new 360 watt bulbs first
after watering all the plants that needed to be watered. i pollinated the 2 plants in the cabinet. still some pollen left so i will probably re-pollinate again in a week.
got home from work today and both the jack herer popped through the coir :) atleast thats what the name they gave my cousin when he bought the bag for $50 a eight.
LPHxAI one is growing kinda retarded leaf but hopefully it will end up growing normal when it gets bigger.
my top veg box. 2 larger plants in back are HDF indica dom. clones in front are HDF sativa dom. plus the 2 LPH and 2 jack herer seedings.
my over crowded lower veg box with the sativa dom HDF
day 28 of 12/12 HDF
i transplanted the 7 plants that were in gallon pots into 2 gallon pots, in prep for them to go into flower as soon as the 2 in the closet are done.
